Introduction to Computer Applications and Systems

BIS/221 Develop a 1,050-word summary describing the role of hardware components and operating system software on a computer:
• Discuss what hardware components should be considered when deciding what 

applications to install.
• Sum up the key utilities in operating system software allowing users to customize 

their desktop and keep their PC maintained and optimized.    BIS/221 BIS/221 Develop a 1,050-word summary describing the role of hardware components and operating system software on a computer:
• Discuss what hardware components should be considered when deciding what 

applications to install.
• Sum up the key utilities in operating system software allowing users to customize 

their desktop and keep their PC maintained and optimized.

Or you may purchase tutorials by the Week below.
BIS/221 Computer Hardware and Software Paper
BIS/221 Computer Hardware and Software Paper
BIS/221 Computer Hardware and Software Paper

BIS/221 Week 1

Introduction to Computer Applications and Systems


Everything listed below is included in purchase!

Individual: Computer Hardware and Software Paper

Option #1 Word Count: 1,184 words!

Option #2 Word Count: 1,057 words!

Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to understand what basic hardware and software components make up a computer. Students will research hardware components, operating system software, and application software to determine how they work together to process information.
Students will use a word processing tool to demonstrate how to correctly format a paper in APA style using skills learned in readings and MindTap simulations.
Assignment Steps

    • Internet search engine such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing
    • Microsoft Office 365, Office 2016: Introductory: Module 1: Creating,
       Formatting, and Editing a Word Document with a Picture
    • Microsoft Office 365, Office 2016: Introductory: Module 2: Creating a
       Research Paper with References and Sources
      • MindTap: Week 1 Tutorials
Create a Microsoft Word document saved under the following format:
Research computer hardware and software and how they work together to process user requests.
Develop a 1,050-word summary describing the role of hardware components and operating system software on a computer:
      • Discuss what hardware components should be considered when deciding what

         applications to install.
      • Sum up the key utilities in operating system software allowing users to customize

         their desktop and keep their PC maintained and optimized.

Include the following in the summary:
      • Format paper using APA Guidelines found in the link Writing and Style Guidelines

        (APA) for 100-299 classes on the lower right side of the Class Home page.
      • Use what you learned inWord Modules 1 & 2 to insert in-text citations and

          references using APA style.
      • Use the Word Bulleted feature to list basic hardware components and define

          their function.
      • Insert a picture or image of your PC, or one that you found on the internet. Type

          the make and model of PC under the picture and apply Word features to bold

          and highlight.
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines for 100-299 classes.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


BIS/221 Week 1 Discussion Questions

Three Answers included for each Discussion Question.


Supporting Activity: Hardware & Software

Define hardware and software.


Supporting Activity: Benefits of Information Systems

What are the benefits of information systems in the work environment?


Supporting Activity: Ethics and Information Technology

What is the relationship between Ethics and Information technology?


BIS/221 Business Value of Software Applications
BIS/221 Business Value of Software Applications


BIS/221 Week 2

Everything listed for Week 2 is included in this purchase!


Charter: Individual Assignment


Resources: Week 2 Learning Team Collaborative Discussion and the Learning Team Charter for Collaborative Learning Activities.

Write a 150- to 200-word individual response to the following:

    • Consider the multiple definitions of collaboration.
    • Define collaboration and how you will apply it in this course based upon the

        discussion with your Learning Team. Be sure to reference and cite your sources.
    • Answer the questions individually.


How often should team members meet to discuss an assignment deliverable?


How will we work with others to achieve our assignment goals and work through conflict?


What modes of communication will we use? Where will we communicate?

Team contributions

What are the expectations for equitable contributions from each team member?

Assignment deadlines

Identify the dates in which team collaborative activities should be completed in order to complete the individual assignments

Other Considerations

Include any other special considerations for this team

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment and be sure to attach a copy of your Learning Team Charter for Collaborative Learning Activities.



Individual: Business Value of Software Applications

Option #1-Part I & Part II / Summary and Memo / Word Count: 1,929 words!

Option #2-Part I & Part II / Summary and Memo / Word Count: 1,532 words!


Security in the work place is a major concern businesses must address to protect company data. In addition, to automated security, it is also the company's responsibility to implement policies and procedures for the handling of data by company personnel. Students will research risks and threats to digital data and develop security policies all company personnel must be trained on and be held accountable to protect company data.
Part 1
Develop a 1,400-word summary describing the challenges businesses have in securing data in today's technological environment:
      • Include risks and threats of company data.
      • What policies/procedures should be implemented for the handling of data

          ensure data protection and business continuity?
Use the following features of Microsoft Word in your summary:
      • A Microsoft Word memo template.
      • Either a bulleted or numbered list of the new security policies/procedures, and

          bold or changed font color so this list is highly visible.
      • Highlight the effective date so it stands out.
      • Insert an image that is relevant to the memo content. Images must also be

          cited and referenced.
Save as a Microsoft Word document saved under the following format:
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
Part 2
Develop a 175-word memo announcing the new security policies to all employees taking effect in one month following mandatory training.
Search online for a Microsoft memo template.
Create an eye-catching memo that is clear and to the point concerning the new security policies. APA formatting is not required for this part of the assignment.
Save as a Microsoft Word document saved under the following format:
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit both parts of your assignments.


Learning Team Charter for Collaborative Learning Activities
Complete the Learning Team Charter for Collaborative Learning Activities with your Learning Team.
Each student must submit their own copy of the Learning Team Charter highlighting their input.


BIS/221 Week 2 Discussion Questions

Three Answer Choices included with each Discussion Question.


Supporting Activity:  Document Management Information Systems

What is a "Document Management Information System" and how valuable is it to organizations?


Supporting Activity: PDF Documents

What is a PDF and how is it used - is it secure?


Supporting Activity: Viruses

Class, Why do you think we are seeing so many top company's being hacked? Is it due to poor security measures?


Supporting Activity: Malware

Class, How do you protect your devices from malicious malware? Do you see the value of antivirus software?


Supporting Activity: Controls

Class. Identify the three major types of controls that organizations can use to protect their information resources, and provide an example of each one.




BIS/221 Business Budget
BIS/221 Business Budget

BIS/221 WK3 Collaborative Learning Activity: Business Budget

BIS/221 Week 3

Everything listed below is included in purchase!

Collaborative Learning Activity: Business Budget


Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this Collaborative Activity is to demonstrate the benefits of creating a budget. A budget provides companies with a detailed analysis of how they should expect to spend money. Students will discuss the importance of budget planning.
Prepare for the Week 3 Business Budget Individual Assignment.
Discuss with your learning team some of the computer equipment cost of all hardware and software needed for their employees.
Develop answers to the following as you work to create your budget plan:

     • List the make and model of desired hardware devices and their cost.
     • List software operating systems and applications for each device and their costs.
     • Sum up the cost for both hardware and software for each employee, and then

         calculate the average monthly costs to maintain these systems.


Individual: Business Budget

Excel Spreadsheet (2 Options Included))


Purpose of Assignment
Electronic spreadsheets are useful tools, especially when creating a business budget. Once a spreadsheet is set up correctly in Excel, values can be modified at any time, and the electronic spreadsheet will automatically update itself. Students will create a spreadsheet of computer equipment for a small fictional business where they are the owner. They will include the cost of all hardware and software needed for their employees, and calculate a monthly budget for the equipment.
Scenario: Imagine you are the owner of a small internet business where you employ five people. You need to budget for the cost of hardware and software needed to run company operations. Each employee is required to work both in the office and remotely, and needs access to company data at all times.
Choose the hardware and software that will provide your employees with the ability to stay connected to internal company data, communicate and collaborate with coworkers, and process data and sales information using wording, processing, and spreadsheet software applications.
Create a business budget sheet using Microsoft Excel. In the budget sheet, do the following:
      • List the make and model of desired hardware devices and their cost.
      • List software operating systems and applications for each device and their costs.
      • Sum up the cost for both hardware and software for each employee, and then

          calculate the average monthly costs to maintain these systems.
      • Insert a graph or chart displaying total costs graphically.
      • Label columns/rows with titles reflecting data they contain.
      • Use no more than two sheets in one workbook to display required data.
      • Format data to highlight important totals.
The Budget sheet answers should include 1,400 words.
Note: this assignment only requires that you submit an Excel Workbook file. There are no written or APA guideline requirements.
Save this document as Lastname_BusinessBudget_W3.xls.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


BIS/221 Week 3 Discussion Questions

Three Answer Choices included with each Discussion Question.


Support Activity: Mobile Commerce

What is the value of mobile commerce


Supporting Activity: Wireless Technology
How has wireless changed the way we do business? Has it improved it or made it worse?


Supporting Activity: Mobile Computing

What is mobile computing and how is it used?


Supporting Activity: BYOD???

What are your thoughts on BYOD? Do you think company's should allow this? Why or why not?


Supporting Activity: Mobile Computing
How are mobile computing and mobile workers related? What are the disadvantages to mobile workers?


Supporting Activity: Mobile Commerce Comparison

How do mobile commerce and electronic commerce compare?






Social Media and Online Collaboration Tools
BIS/221 Social Media and Online Collaboration Tools
Social Media and Online Collaboration Tools

Social Media and Online Collaboration Tools

BIS/221 Week 4

Individual: Social Media and Online Collaboration Tools

2 Full Presentations Included!!


Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize students with the multiple collaboration tools available. Students will evaluate three online collaboration tools and choose one to suit their needs. Students will create a PowerPoint presentation to display the advantages and disadvantages of each tool, recommend one, and explain why.

Assignment Steps

      • Internet search engine/browser
      • Microsoft Office 365, Office 2016: Introductory: PowerPoint Module 1: Creating

          and Editing a Presentation with Pictures
      • Microsoft Office 365, Office 2016: Introductory: PowerPoint Module
2: Enhancing a Presentation with Pictures, Shapes, and WordArt

Research any three online collaboration tools and recommend one.
Evaluate and include the following parameters for each tool:
      • Ease of Use
      • Reliability and Availability
      • Cost
      • Time and Resources to Implement
      • Advantages and Disadvantages

Create a 10- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation supporting your recommended choice by explaining reasons for your choice based on parameters above.
Include the following PowerPoint features:
      • Choose a theme for the presentation
      • At least 2 examples of Smart Art
      • At least 1 example of Word Art
      • Insert at least one shape, add text to it, and then apply a shape effect
      • Insert screenshot/picture of recommended tool displaying some of its

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.



Collaborative Learning Activity:

Social Media and Online Collaboration Tools


Purpose of Collaborative Activity
Social media and online collaboration tools have many benefits in today's environment both professionally and personally. As a team, students will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of social media and online collaboration tools to include security and its effects on their daily lives.
Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of social media and online collaboration tools both professionally and personally.
Use the following questions as a guide for your discussion:
• What are some of the ways you can use technology to help you reach your personal and professional goals?
• What are some of the ways you can use social media to help you reach your personal and professional goals?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media and online collaboration tools?


BIS/221 Week 4 Discussion Questions

Three Answer Choices included with each Discussion Question.


Supporting Activity: Social Media In Business
How has social media changed the way we do business?


Supporting Activity: Effective Presentations
What makes a presentation effective in your opinion?


Supporting Activity: Social Computing

What is social computing - what are the advantages?


Supporting Activity: Social Media Competitive Advantage
How can social media be used to gain a competitive advantage in the market place?


Supporting Activity: Social Media in 5 Years
Where do you think social media will be five years from now?



BIS/221 WEEK 5 Individual: Online Productivity Applications

BIS/221 - Week 5

Individual: Online Productivity Applications

Presentation #1 / Slides: 12 with Speaker Notes!

Presentation #2 / Slides: 13 with Speaker Notes!


Purpose of Assignment
This assignment will demonstrate the student's ability to use online productivity tools and how they contribute to increased productivity in the work environment.
    • MindTap Guided Videos, Week 5: Links to Sway
    • Microsoft Office 365, Office 2016: Introductory: PowerPoint Module 3: Reusing a

        Presentation and Adding Media and Animation
Assignment Steps
Research: Describe the function of each application of Microsoft productivity apps and how it can be used to be more productive in the work environment.
Create a 10- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation to evaluate Microsoft productivity apps.
Design the presentation to show how anyone could be more productive by using these apps either professionally or personally.

Include the following PowerPoint features:
      • At least two examples of animation on text or image
      • Insert image and format using a style
      • Insert a video to start on click
      • Use a slide transitions on each slide
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.



BIS/221 Week 5 Discussion Questions

Three Answer Choices included with each Discussion Question.


Supporting Activity: Professional Image

What does professional image mean to you?


Supporting Activity: Emerging Technology

What are some new emerging technologies on the market today?


Supporting Activity: Are You Different?

What are your thoughts on this video?