LDR/300T Innovative Leadership

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LDR/300 Leadership Assessment
LDR/300 Complete one of these free online tests. Note: The online test should be free so if you encounter a site that charges a fee for the test please continue searching for a site that offers a free test.
LDR/300 Complete one of these free online tests. Note: The online test should be free so if you encounter a site that charges a fee for the test please continue searching for a site that offers a free test.

LDR/300T Week 1

Week 1 Tutorial Set includes:

  1. Practice: SmartBook Ch. 1, What Do We Mean by Leadership?
  2. Practice: SmartBook Ch. 2, Leader Development
  3. Practice: SmartBook Ch. 3, Skills for Developing Yourself as a Leader
  4. Practice: Knowledge Check
  5. Apply: Quiz
  6. WEEK 1 Discussion Question


Practice: SmartBook Ch. 1, What Do We Mean by Leadership?

  1. True or false: Leadership includes something happening as an outcome of the interaction
  2. between a leader and followers.
  3. Which of the following skills was most important to the emergence of leadership among the survivors of the 1972 plane crash In the Andes?
  4. True or false: Most researchers in the field of leadership are in agreement on the basic
  5. definition of leadership.
  6. How Parrado managed to convince the survivors of the 1972 Andes plane crash to stage and
  7. support the final expedition would be most likely examined by researchers who define leadership as ____________.
  8. Which of the following is a definition of leadership that appears to exclude any kind of coercion as a leadership tool?
  9. Being familiar with research on leadership can help an individual
  10. The use of planning techniques is an example of
  11. Which of the following is not an example of an emotional leader?
  12. The success of Microsoft 's founder can be attributed to his intelligence, his vision, and _________ among other things.
  13. All of the following terms are often associated with leadership except
  14. True or false: A difference between a leader and a manager is that a leader administers while a
  15. manager innovates.
  16. Which of the following is not an example of how researchers have defined leadership?
  17. Which definition of leadership appears to exclude informal leadership?
  18. Which of the following are true about ideal leaders? (Check all that apply.)
  19. Which of the following was not a factor in the success of Microsoft's founder Bill Gates?
  20. The use of planning techniques is an ex ample of
  21. Which of the following is a myth?
  22. Which of the following is true of college professors who are considered leaders?
  23. Which of the following is not a myth?
  24. True or false: Formal study and learning from experience are mutually exclusive and antagonistic.
  25. According to Robert Kelley, what are the basic styles of followership? (Check all that apply.)
  26. Which type of worker is not likely to be more willing to work extra hours on a time-critical project?
  27. The ___________ theory represented the dominant way of conceptualizing leadership for a long time, but has now been largely discredited
  28. Which of the following is true of the decision-making process in complex situations?
  29. Susie lacks enthusiasm, requires constant direction, and relies on her leader to do all the
  30. thinking. Susie can be described as a(n)___________follower.


Practice: SmartBook Ch. 2, Leader Development

  1. True or false: Leader development and leadership development refer to the same phenomenon.
  2. True or false: Individuals who have completed undergraduate courses in leadership are always better leaders.
  3. Explanations we develop for the behaviors of actions we attend to are called
  4. The notion that a person being coached must want to change; assessments are important; some behaviors cannot be changes; practice is critical; and there is no substitute for accountability are all
  5. Mick has taken a new hire, Brian, under his wing and is helping Brian by giving him knowledge, advice, challenge, counsel, and support about career opportunities, organizational strategy and policy, office politics. This process can be described as
  6. Which is not part of the A-O-R model?
  7. The question” how do you feel about it now?” is asked in which part of the A-O-R model?
  8. The term perceptual set refers to
  9. Fundamental attribution error can best be described as
  10. The tendency to make external attributions for your own failures yet make internal attributions for your successes refers to
  11. The fact that people who are watching an action are much more likely than the individual to make a fundamental attribution error can be attributed to
  12. The findings by Eden and Shani that individuals placed in a high potential group were perceived to have higher potential than those placed in an unknown or regular potential group even though potential was never actually assessed reflects
  13. True or false: People prefer to explain others’ behavior on the basis of personal attributions even when obvious situational factors may fully account for their behavior.
  14. Match the types of leadership training programs for leaders and supervisors in industry or public service (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column).
  15. Someone who is ‘learning how to learn’ is using _________ learning.
  16. The five step informal coaching process is most efficient for
  17. Which of the following statements regarding formal coaching programs is true?
  18. Studies of what men and women managers learn from experiences found that taking charge of career was a lesson frequently identified by
  19. True or false: Developing a strategic plan for the company is a common part of leadership development programs for senior-level executives.


Practice: SmartBook Ch. 3, Skills for Developing Yourself as a Leader

  1. Jayden is a candidate for a managerial position in a tech firm. Identify the questions he should most likely seek answers to during the interview process. (Check all that apply.)
  2. Which of the following is a key topic that new leaders should discuss with their boss on the first day on their job?
  3. During the first two weeks on a job, a new leader should do all of these except
  4. To increase buy-in and support for change decisions, new leaders should _______ their strategy, structure, and staffing ideas with their boss and peers before making personnel decisions.
  5. True or false: Meeting with peers on a regular basis becomes highly important for a new leader because his or her boss will likely ask peers how the new leader is doing.
  6. True or false: Leaders can learn a lot by actively observing how others react to and handle different challenges and situations, even common ones.
  7. Barbara is a candidate for a managerial position in a financial services firm. Identify the tasks she should most likely perform as part of preparing for the interview process. (Check all that apply.)
  8. The idea of voluntary but determine efforts to improve leadership skills is referred to as ______________.
  9. Jayden is a candidate for a managerial position in a tech firm. Identify the questions he should most likely seek answers to during the interview process. (Check all that apply.)
  10. Keeping a journal can be a valuable learning tool for leaders for all of the following reasons except
  11. Based on research conducted by Peterson and Hicks, arrange the steps in the development planning process for leaders in the correct order of occurrence. (Place the first step at the top.)
  12. ________ analysis includes goals, actions, perfections, and standards.
  13. Which of the following statements regarding development plans is true?
  14. All of the following are helpful for transferring knowledge to new environments except
  15. Superiors value of the following qualities in followers except
  16. Which of the following are the typical features of leaders with high levels of technical competence compared to those with lower levels of technical competence? (Check all that apply.)
  17. True or false: Building rapport with peers is usually unnecessary for individuals who aspire to make it to the top levels of the organization.
  18. A superior interested in discovering common interests and values of peers should
  19. True or false: Co-workers should always avoid getting involved with the personal lives of peers.
  20.  The AOR model is a key component in which phase of the Peterson-Hicks development planning process?
  21. How many development needs should an individual work on at any point in time?
  22. What is the first step in building technical competence?
  23. _______ is the best way to become a technical expert.

Apply: Quiz

  1. Which of the following words is most often associated with the word "management"?
  2. Unlike the role approach, the constructionist approach
  3. Which of the following statements is true of women in leadership positions?
  4. According to leadership researchers, leadership
  5. Which of the following is a phenomenon that refers to situations in which people feel themselves at risk of being judged by others holding negative images about them?
  6. According to Robert Kelley's basic styles of followership, which of the following statements is true about pragmatist followers?
  7. In a classic study of sex roles, Schein
  8. Identify a true statement about passive followers according to Robert Kelley's basic styles of followership.
  9. People who are observing an action are much more likely than the actor to make the fundamental attribution error. This is called
  10. Which of the following statements is true of informal coaching?
  11. According to Patricia O'Connell's webs of belief, which of the following web is the foundation for leaders to function in complex, uncertain, and changing environments where leadership solutions to challenges depend on mutual trust and respect among parties?
  12. Which of the following involves participants being given a limited amount of time to prioritize and respond to a number of notes, phone messages, and letters from a fictitious manager's in-basket?
  13. Kyra, a 16-year-old high school girl, is skeptical about her first day at a new school. She believes that nobody will talk to her and that her new teachers will be rude to her. She enters the class in a negative mood and speaks rudely to everyone. Eventually, she sees that her beliefs about the new school and teachers come true. Which of the following is most likely exemplified in this scenario?
  14. In the context of perception, which of the following terms is best described as the explanations people develop for the characteristics, behaviors, or actions to which they attend?
  15. Unlike traditional training programs, action learning
  16. Which of the following involves a willingness to confront your own views and an invitation to others to do so, too?
  17. In the context of the first day on the job, identify a true statement about the first meeting of the new leaders with their new bosses.
  18. What is the fastest way to alter the culture and norms of a team?
  19. In the context of the new leader onboarding road map, which of the following statements is true of new leaders in the first two weeks?
  20. Task forces that are formed to work on key change initiatives should be staffed by stars because
  21. Which of the following leadership styles are supervisors most likely to use when interacting with subordinates with poor technical skills?
  22. Which of the following statements is true of individuals with high levels of technical competence?
  23. In the context of the new leader onboarding road map, which of the following steps most likely involves gathering benchmarking information from other organizations, meeting with key external customers and suppliers, and if appropriate, meeting with the former team leader?
  24. Which of the following statements is true about building effective relationships with superiors?
  25. Which of the following statements is true of leaders with high levels of technical competence?


LDR/300T Week 1 Knowledge Check

  1. Which of the following statements is true of women in leadership positions?
  2. What is Hollander's approach to leadership called?
  3. In a classic study of sex roles, Schein
  4. Which of the following involves participants being given a limited amount of time to prioritize and respond to a number of notes, phone messages, and letters from a fictitious manager's in-basket?
  5. According to Patricia O'Connell's webs of belief, which of the following webs of belief is associated with respecting and caring for all creation, and honoring the needs and identities of everyone in every culture?
  6. Which of the following statements is true of informal coaching?
  7. Which of the following is one of the best ways to establish and maintain good peer relationships?
  8. Which statement is most likely true about followers having a good working relationship with their superiors?
  9. Technical competence is especially important for first-line supervisors because they
  10. Which of the following statements is true of leaders with high levels of technical competence?


LDR/300T WEEK 1 Discussion Question

Defining Leadership - Includes 3 Full Answers! A+ Work!

How would you define leadership? Why do you think this is an appropriate definition? How does your definition compare with the one in the textbook, particularly the one offered by the author of the text in the section on Effective Leadership - Who is a leader? How is it similar and how might it be different?


LDR/300 Formulating Leadership Part I
LDR/300 Leadership Theories
LDR/300 Your company's Vice President of Human Resources has approached your team for assistance in recruiting and developing your organization's future leaders.

LDR/300T Week 2

Week 2 Tutorial Set includes:

  1. Practice: SmartBook Ch. 4, Power and Influence
  2. Practice: SmartBook Ch. 5, Values, Ethics, and Character
  3. Practice: Knowledge Check
  4. Apply: Quiz
  5. WEEK 2 Discussion Question


Practice: SmartBook Ch. 4, Power and Influence

  1. The capacity to produce effects on others or the potential to influence others refers to ______.
  2. One person’s actual behaviors designed to change another person’s attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors refers to ________ tactics.
  3. True or false: As demonstrated by Michelle Obama’s gaffe at a dinner at Buckingham Palace, cultural differences can impact power.
  4. Individuals in a clique who sit next to each other at a circular table
  5. In his classic study, Stanley Milgram found that some ____% of individuals followed the requests of their “boss” even though doing so may have gone against their own personal beliefs.
  6. _______ power is the power of knowledge.
  7. Which of the following statements regarding referent power is not true?
  8. Employee of the month and special parking spots are examples of using _______ power to influence behavior.
  9. Long-term success as a leader requires
  10. As a result of his decisions in his personal life, Tiger Woods lost which type of power?
  11. An individual trying to assert power might
  12. True or false: An individual is likely to be perceived as taller when he is introduced as a professor rather than a student.
  13. All of the following are bases of power except _______ power.
  14. A coach deciding who will play in a game is an example of _________ power being exercised.
  15. According to the text, how people vary in their motivation to influence and control others refers to ____________.
  16. True or false: McClelland found that individuals with a high need for power are guaranteed leadership success.
  17. Coercive power can be thought of as being the opposite of ________ power.
  18. Which types of power are best for a leader to use?
  19. The Stanford prison experiment highlighted the role of the ______ in the leader power equation.
  20. Studies by McClelland and also by Miner use which method of assessing the need for power?
  21. Match the categories of influence tactics used by agents (in the left column) with the situations in which they are typically used (in the right column).
  22. An agent influences a target by giving and taking favors. This scenario exemplifies an influence tactic called ___________.
  23. A minister establishes a committee of church members to help plan the layout and use of a new church addition. In this scenario, the minister uses an influence tactic called _________.
  24. A sentence that opens with, “John, we have known each other a long time and I have never asked anything of you before” represents the beginning of an influence tactic called _______.
  25. Several significant people in an alcoholic’s life, such as spouse, children, employer, or neighbor agree to confront the alcoholic in unison about the many dimensions of his or her problem. This is an example of an influence tactic called _________.
  26. A judge who gives Samuel, a convicted prisoner, a suspended sentence but tells him to consider the suspension a “sword hanging over his head” if he breaks the law again is using an influence tactic called _________.
  27. An agent makes requests to targets based on his or her position or authority. This scenario exemplifies an influence tactic called _____________.
  28. Cult leader Jim Jones is an example of a leader using which type of power?
  29. True or false: Male managers are more likely to involve others when developing strategy.
  30. True or false: Effective leaders know how the influence tactics they use affect others.
  31. A salesperson’s good-natured or flattering banter with a customer before the customer makes a decision about purchasing a product is an example of an influence tactic called _________.
  32. An agent influences a target by giving and taking favors. This scenario exemplifies an influence tactic called



Practice: SmartBook Ch. 5, Value, Ethics, and Character

  1. The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimates that globally businesses lose how much each year due to fraudulent activity?
  2. Principles of right conduct or a system of moral values are referred to as _________.
  3. Leaders who show they understand the world as we see and experience it show ________.
  4. Successful managers typically subscribe to
  5. Prejudice that occurs without the individual’s awareness refers to ________ prejudice.
  6. A manager who chooses a job applicant who is more like herself rather than another applicant who is not like her is demonstrating _____________.
  7. When we overestimate the quality of our own work and contributions to our team, we are showing which type of bias?
  8. Research shows that the relationship between how we think we should act and our actual behavior is
  9. Individuals like Sergeant York who rationalize their behavior as they fight and kill in war situations use ____________ justification.
  10. The fortitude to face risk and overcome fears associated with taking ethical action refers to moral
  11. __________ doubt the wisdom of traditional racial and sexual categorizing and seek seeking teamwork, security, and work-life balance as they move into the workplace.
  12. Values that refer to modes of behavior are called ______________ values.
  13. The group of workers identified by Zemke as entrepreneurial individuals who embrace change and take a free agency approach to their jobs are the _____________.
  14. Plato and Kant believed mature moral judgment was a __________ process.
  15. A researcher who ask subordinates to speculate whether they think their manager would be likely to act unethically is using a ___________ reputation approach to measuring leader integrity.
  16. Constructs representing generalized behaviors or states of affairs that are considered by the individual to be important are known as
  17. The question of whether you should tell authorities that your spouse has a highly contagious and dangerous disease or protect her privacy is an example of which ethical dilemma?
  18. The notion of ‘do what you want other to do to you’ refers to which type of thinking?
  19. True or false: One’s ethical judgments are negatively affected by conflicts of interest.
  20. A leader who’s primary motivation is to help others can best be described as __________ leaders.
  21. __________ represents an organization’s purpose, guiding principles, basic identity, and most importance values. (Answer using two words.)
  22. Which of the following is not true regarding personal values and organizational values?
  23. Which employee is least likely to address perceived ethical problems?


Practice: Week 2 Knowledge Check (With Extra Questions/Answers)

  1. Identify a true statement about socialized power.
  2. The ability to control others through the fear of punishment or the loss of valued outcomes is known as
  3. People tend to use rational tactics when
  4. Followers are highly likely to use _______ power to change their leader’s behavior if they have a relatively high amount of referent power with their fellow coworkers.
  5. ______ occurs when agents ask targets to participate in planning an activity.
  6. Dr. Jonathon realizes that his patient is suffering from a highly contagious disease that is likely to pose a threat to the entire city. However, he is uncertain about sharing this information with city officials to protect his patient’s privacy. In this scenario, which of the following ethical dilemmas does the doctor most likely face?
  7. Terrorists may call themselves ‘freedom fighters’ and firing someone may be referred to as ‘letting him or her go’. These are both examples of
  8. Which of the following is an approach developed and popularized by Covey, which postulates a fundamental interdependence between the personal, the interpersonal, the managerial, and the organizational levels of leadership?
  9. What are the four qualities of leadership that engender trust according to Bennis and Goldsmith?
  10. A leader who has developed close interpersonal relationships with followers generally uses his or her ________ power to influence them.
  11. A police officer giving a speeding ticket to a driver is most likely using his or her
  12. Which of the following statements concerning power & influence is most likely FALSE?
  13. Which of the following statements is true of legitimate power:
  14. Which of the following generation of workers tends to be technologically savvy, independent, and skeptical of institutions and hierarchy?
  15. According to Zemke’s four generations of workers, which of the following statements is most likely true of Veterans?
  16. According to Zemke's four generations of workers, the Millennials
  17. According to Zemke's four generations of workers, which of the following statements is most likely true of the Baby Boomers?
  18. Which of the following is an intrinsic reward?
  19. ________ is exercised in the service of high goals to others or organizations and often involves self-sacrifice toward those ends
  20. A politician's advisor explains how demographic changes in the politician's district make it important for the politician to spend more time in the district seeing constituents that she has in the past. This is an example of
  21. Which of the following is occurring when agents ask targets to participate in planning an activity?
  22. A judge who gives a convicted prisoner a suspended sentence but tells him to consider the suspension a "sword hanging over your head" if he breaks the law again using
  23. Rational tactics are most likely used by a person when
  24. Coalition tacts are most likely exhibited when agents
  25. People typically use hard tactics when


Apply: Quiz

  1. When compared to other methods, this can be the most effective way to learn leadership skills:
  2. Leaders use which of the following aspects to develop their experience and abilities:
  3. Kathleen is responsible for determining who qualifies for the yearly bonus of her direct reports. Which type of power does she have due to her ability to control this type of desire for resource?
  4. What is the term for the actual tactics for actions used by an agent to change the attitudes or behaviors of a target person?
  5. Why is the Action-observation-reflection (AOR) model used in the fourth phase of the development planning process?
  6. What are the types of power?
  7. Nancy is a seeking to be an effective leader in her new role as regional sales manager.  Which of the following leadership principles should Nancy focus on developing with her followers?
  8. Latoya has a desire to become a better leader, but she doesn’t know where to start or what areas she should focus on.  What systematic process can Latoya use to begin building her leadership knowledge and experience?
  9. Leaders, as opposed to strictly managers, are involved in which one of the following activities?
  10. Sherry is working on being a better leader. She has created a development plan and is now seeking to implement her plan. In this scenario, which model is best for addressing her leadership abilities?
  11. When evaluating a leader, you should not immediately conclude if the leader is good or bad because you must consider
  12. Dr. Hamilton has researched and studied artificial intelligence for over 30 years. Which type of power does he have in that field?
  13. Devin just completed a GAPS analysis. What should he do now to further his development plan?
  14. Which type of power can Lee use in his role as the CEO in an organization?
  15. As the HR manager of her corporation, Maria is responsible for documenting formal warnings and sanctions due to misbehavior and poor performance. Which type of power does Maria wield?
  16. What is the first phase of development planning for a leader?
  17. Michael has a strong relationship of trust with one of his direct reports, Jenny.  Which type of power can Michael use due to this relationship?
  18. Power is not only related to the leader. What are three aspects that impact power?
  19. How can the second and third phases of development planning be used to improve as a leader?
  20. In the past and in early leadership studies, effective leadership was thought to be based on the heroic theory and included which of the following leadership traits?




LDR/300T WEEK 2 Discussion Question - Traits as Part of Leadership

Traits as Part of Leadership - includes 3 Full Answers to this Discussion Question! A+ Work!
Do you think some people are born leaders and can rise to the top no matter what the situation? Why/why not?  If so, what key characteristics do they need to possess?


LDR/300 Leadershipo and Power
LDR/300 Create either a 2-4 minute podcast, a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, a 1-2 minute video, or other presentation on the interaction and influence among leadership tactics according to the following criteria
LDR/300 Create either a 2-4 minute podcast, a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, a 1-2 minute video, or other presentation on the interaction and influence among leadership tactics according to the following criteria

LDR/300T Week 3

Week 3 Tutorial Set includes:

  1. Practice: SmartBook Ch. 14, Contingency Theories of Leadershipl
  2. Practice: Knowledge Check
  3. Apply: Quiz
  4. WEEK 3 Discussion Question


Practice: SmartBook Ch. 14, Contingency Theories of Leadership

  1. Which theory argues that leaders do not treat all followers as if they were a uniform group of equals?
  2. According to the LMX theory, during the _______ stage, similarities and differences become cemented.
  3. To enhance the overall effectiveness of the organization, leaders should do all of the following except which?
  4. Which contingency model generates the most research?
  5. Will one alternative have a greater cost savings than the other? Is a question to ask when trying to understand decision _________.
  6. Decision _____________ implies that followers accept the decision as if it were their own and do not merely comply with the decision.
  7. Which of the following are typically considered the problems with the normative decision model of leadership? (Check all that apply.)
  8. Which of the following is concerned with how much input subordinates should have in the decision-making process?
  9. In the context of leadership effectiveness, which of the following represents the autocratic level of participation in the normative decision model?
  10. Which of the following is tru about the normative decision model of leadership when it is viewed through the leader-follower-situation (L-F-S) framework?
  11. In the context of leadership effectiveness, which of the following is true of the autocratic level of participation in the normative decision model?
  12. Which of the following questions are part of Vroom and Yetton’s leadership decision tree that helps leaders determine how much participation subordinates should have to optimize decision quality and acceptance related to a problem? (Check all that apply.)
  13. Analyze the given image of Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model and classify the aspects of follower readiness under the corresponding parties that direct these aspects.
  14. A follower has both substantial training and experience in a required task. According to Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model, which of the following leadership behaviors should the leader exhibit in this scenario?
  15. What are the situational factors considered by the path-goal theory of leadership that impact or moderate the effects of leader behavior on follower attitudes and behaviors? (Check all that apply.)

Practice: Knowledge Check

  1. According to the path-goal theory, a leader should assess a situation and select a leadership behavior appropriate to situational demands.
  2. The path-goal theory assumes that leaders user the same styles with different subordinates.
  3. With Situational Leadership, follower readiness refers to a follower’s ability and willingness to accomplish a particular task.
  4. According to the path-goal theory, followers will actively support a leader as long as they view the leader’s actions as a means for increasing their own levels of satisfaction.
  5. Low-LPC leaders will focus on improving their relationships with followers after they are assured that assigned tasks are being satisfactorily accomplished
  6. What should leaders first asses in order to apply the Situational Leadership model?
  7. In the context of the four types of leader behavior in the path-goal theory which leadership behavior is most likely characterized by telling followers what they are expected to do, how to do it, when it is to be done, and how their work fits in with the work of others.
  8. In the context of the Situational Leadership model, which of the following is a relationship behavior?
  9. In the context of the four types of leader behavior in the path-goal theory, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of achievement-oriented leadership?

Apply: Quiz

  1. What should leaders first assess in order to apply the Situational Leadership model?
  2. In the context of the levels of participation in the normative decision model, which of the following is most likely true of consultative processes?
  3. Which of the following instruments does Fiedler's contingency theory use to determine the relevant characteristics of a leader?
  4. Which of the following statements about the path–goal theory is most likely false?
  5. If a decision has a rational or objectively determinable "better or worse" alternative, a leader should select the better alternative. This most likely refers to
  6. In the context of the Situational Leadership model, which of the following depicts selling as a leadership behavior?
  7. Which of the following statements about high-LPC leaders is most likely true?
  8. In terms of the path–goal theory, which of the following is considered a situational factor?
  9. In the context of the contingency model, which of the following is the most powerful element of situational favorability?
  10. In the context of the four types of leader behavior in the path–goal theory, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of achievement-oriented leadership?
  11. In the context of the Situational Leadership model, which of the following is a relationship behavior?
  12. Which of the following statements about the normative decision model is true?
  13. In the context of the Situational Leadership model, which of the following was defined as the extent to which a leader spells out the responsibilities of an individual or group?
  14. According to Hershey, leaders should implement a series of developmental interventions in order to increase follower readiness levels for particular tasks by first assessing a follower's current level of readiness and then determining the leader behavior that best suits that follower in that task.
  15. According to the path–goal theory, follower satisfaction is directly related to the degree of participative behaviors manifested by a leader.
  16. According to the path–goal theory, a leader should assess a situation and select a leadership behavior appropriate to situational demands.
  17. In the routinization stage of development of the leader–member exchange theory, similarities (for the in-group) and differences (often accentuated for the out-group) become cemented.
  18. With Situational Leadership, follower readiness refers to a follower's ability and willingness to accomplish a particular task.
  19. Vroom and Yetton's normative decision model is directed solely at determining how much input subordinates should have in the decision-making process.
  20. In the context of contingency theory, the least preferred co-worker (LPC) score is intended to represent follower behaviors and situational factors.
  21. The normative decision model shifts focus away from the situation and the followers to the leader.
  22. The path–goal theory assumes that leaders use the same styles with different subordinates.
  23. The contingency model of leadership maintains that leaders are extremely flexible in their behavior.
  24. Low-LPC leaders will focus on improving their relationships with followers after they are assured that assigned tasks are being satisfactorily accomplished.
  25. Situational Leadership is a useful way of getting leaders to think about how leadership effectiveness may depend on being flexible with different subordinates.
  26. Which two broad categories of leader behaviors did the Situational Leadership model originally identify?
  27. In the context of the leader–member exchange (LMX) theory, which of the following statements is true of the role-taking stage of development?
  28. The highest levels of situational favorability most likely occur when leader–member relations are good, the task is structured, and position power is high.
  29. Which of the following statements is true of the Situational Leadership model?
  30. In the context of the four types of leader behavior in the path–goal theory, which leadership behavior is most likely characterized by telling followers what they are expected to do, how to do it, when it is to be done, and how their work fits in with the work of others?
  31. In the context of the Situational Leadership model, which of the following best defines follower readiness?
  32. Position power is not a characteristic of leaders but of the situations that leaders find themselves in.
  33. The path–goal theory considers three situational factors that moderate the effects of leader behavior on follower behavior.
  34. According to the path–goal theory, followers will actively support a leader as long as they view the leader's actions as a means for increasing their own levels of satisfaction.
  35. Both leader behaviors and follower characteristics are important in determining outcomes in the path–goal theory.

LDR/300T WEEK 3 Discussion Question

Power and Leadership - includes 3 Full Answers to this Discussion Question! A+ Work!

Power is essential to leadership; but it can also be abused. How can leaders use power to get things done without becoming autocratic or abusive?


LDR/300 Your company's Vice President of Human Resources has approached your team for assistance in recruiting and developing your organization's future leaders.

LDR/300T Week 4

Week 4 Tutorial Set includes:

  1. Practice: SmartBook Ch. 8, Leadership and Change
  2. Practice: SmartBook Ch. 15, Leadership and Change
  3. Practice: Knowledge Check
  4. Apply: Quiz
  5. WEEK 4 Discussion Question


Practice: SmartBook Ch. 8, Leadership and Change

  1. In the context of leadership skills, match the components of building expertise (in the left column) with their features (in the right column).
  2. Leaders in the _______ quadrant of the credibility matrix could be new college hires or people joining the company from an entirely different industry.
  3. Constructs representing generalized behaviors or states of affairs that are considered by the individual to be important are called _______.
  4. Clarifying and communicating your values and building relationships with others comprise the process of building _________.
  5. True and false: Credible leadership can reduce turnover in an organization.
  6. Who among the following are most likely to listen to a speaker actively? (Check all that apply)
  7. According to the systems view of communication, match the components of communication skills (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column).
  8. The question ‘what medium?’ is concerned with the ________ part of communication system.
  9. The choice of whether to communicate orally or in writing, publicly or privately, and so on is primarily dependent on__________.
  10. Oral communication is most effective in which situation?
  11. Which of the following is not an effective way to enhance the clarity of a communication?
  12. True or false: Nonverbal responses from followers are not an effective means for a leader to assess the effectiveness of two-way communications.
  13. Based on the systems view of communication, identify a true statement about feedback concerning whether a message was understood by a receiver.
  14. The degree to which someone tells others something and ensures that they understand what was said refers to communication ___________.
  15. The process by which we perceive and respond to situations that challenge or threaten us refers to_______.


Practice: SmartBook Ch. 15, Leadership and Change

  1. The _____ ________ Questionnaire is a 360-degree feedback instrument that assesses five transformational and three transactional factors and a nonleadership factor.
  2. Which of the following are research results of transformational and transactional or laissez-faire leadership? (Check all that apply.)
  3. A leader who anticipates that problems could occur in manufacturing or customer service after changes are implemented to the compensation system to motivate sales people is using the ____________ approach.
  4. When leaders act to optimize their part of the organization at the expense of suboptimizing the organization’s overall effectiveness, the leader is using ________ thinking.
  5. In which component of the change model does the change initiative become tangible and actionable?
  6. There is often a temporary drop in performance or productivity as followers learn new systems and skills. This difference between initial expectations and reality is called the _________-________ gap and can be the source of considerable frustration.
  7. To date, over 350 studies have used the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) to investigate transformational and transactional leadership across a wide variety of situations. Which of the following is a result of these studies?
  8. In the context of research on transformational leadership, Zacharatos, Barling, and Kelloway reported that _________________.
  9. Which of the following are research results of transformational and transactional or laissez-faire leadership? (Check all that apply.)
  10. Which of the following best describes the acceptance by followers of the vision of a charismatic leader?
  11. The system in which British citizens pay large sums of money in the form of taxes to support the queen reflects a ___________.


Practice: Knowledge Check

  1. Which of the following is a good way to generate ideas pertinent to a problem and is similar to brainstorming?
  2. Which of the following is the most important step in conducting a meeting?
  3. The_________component of assertiveness skills concerns knowing where and when not to behave assertively.
  4. Which of the following statements is true about assertive people?
  5. Which of the following statements is true about force field analysis?
  6. In the context of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), which of the following is assessed by the five transformational leadership factors?
  7. Which of the following statements about transformational leaders is most likely true?
  8. Which of the following is the most important situational factor associated with charismatic leadership?
  9. The formula for the rational approach to change is
  10. What is the underlying cause for a huge percentage of failed change initiatives?


Apply: Quiz

  1. Leaders who have high levels of credibility are seen by their followers as which of the following?
  2. What are things that Myrna should do to communicate more effectively with her followers?
  3. As you seek to facilitate effective team meetings, what is the first important step?
  4. What should leaders do to exercise effective stress management?
  5. What is one popular technique to increase creativity as a leader?
  6. Stephanie is trying to employ the normative decision model to assist in making leadership decisions. Based on the model, which quality helps her select the better alternative between a better or worse alternative?
  7. Everyone that works with June says that she is a good listener. This is because June is an active listener, not a passive listener. Active listeners pay attention to what is spoken and which of the following?
  8. Daniel would like to hold more effective team meetings with his team. What are two important factors he should consider?
  9. The Leader-Member Exchange theory explains how leaders do not treat all followers as if they were a uniform group of equals. According to the theory, if you have a low-quality exchange relationship with one of your followers, this follower would be in the following category:
  10. Luke is the type of leader that concentrates on relationships as he leads and not just tasks. According to Fiedler’s Contingency Model, Luke is what type of leader?
  11. What two components make up credibility?
  12. What is one of the most important components of leadership success and effectiveness?
  13. In Situational Leadership, what is follower readiness?
  14. Julia would like to increase her assertiveness as a leader. What is one of the easiest ways to be an assertive leader and to take responsibility for your actions?
  15. As Stephanie makes decisions, the idea that her followers should accept the decision as if it were their own and not merely comply with the decision is:
  16. What is a good definition of assertiveness and an important leadership quality?
  17. According to Leader-Member Exchange, you must work to develop special relationships with your followers. If you do this, it results in which of the following?
  18. Situational leadership guides how which of the following behaviors should be adjusted?
  19. How does assertiveness compare to both acquiescence and aggression?
  20. Aiden is a leader who gets along with every one of his followers and does not have any conflicts with any of them. According to the least preferred co-worker (LPC) scale in Fiedler’s Contingency Mode, Aiden would be what type of leader?
  21. Caroline’s work team has identified a problem with the planned release of the company’s new product. What is the first step Caroline should take to lead her team to solve this problem?
  22. Luke is the type of leader that concentrates on relationships as he leads and not just tasks. According to Fiedler’s Contingency Model, Luke is what type of leader?
  23. Theo is seeking to become a better communicator as a leader. What are 3 things that Theo can do?
  24. Which of the following leadership theory offers answers about whether there is an optimum way for leaders to adjust their behavior with different followers and which factors should the leader base this behavior on?
  25. Which model is directed solely at determining how much input subordinates should have in the decision-making process?


LDR/300T WEEK 4 Discussion Question

Charisma and Leadership - includes 3 Full Answers to this Discussion Question! A+ Work!

Charisma is considered a positive trait for a leader, and charismatic leaders are sought after. Are charismatic leaders always effective and desirable? Is it a necessary element of leadership? Why/why not?




LDR/300T Week 5

Week 5 Tutorial Set includes:

  1. Practice: SmartBook Ch. 10, Satisfaction, Engagement, and Potential
  2. Practice: SmartBook Ch. 11, Groups, Teams, and Their Leadership
  3. Practice: SmartBook Ch. 12, Skills for Developing Others
  4. Practice: Knowledge Check
  5. Apply: Quiz
  6. WEEK 5 Discussion Question


Practice: SmartBook Ch. 10, Satisfaction, Engagement, and Potential

  1. Leaders should not take job satisfaction among followers lightly because the direct costs of replacing a first-line supervisor or an executive range from
  2. When the ‘best and brightest’ in an organization become dissatisfied and leave ______ turnover occurs.
  3. The process by which rewards, or punishments are administered refers to which type of justice?
  4. __________ occurs when leaders and followers are given incompatible goals to accomplish.
  5. ‘My supervisor handles conflict well’ is concerned with which type of satisfaction?
  6. True or false: If an employee satisfaction survey reveals that employees are unhappy, it is unusually best for leaders to conceal the results from followers.
  7. All of the following are classified as hygiene factors in Herzberg’s two-factor theory except __________.
  8. ‘In general, I am satisfied with my life and where it is going’ is concerned with ______ satisfaction.
  9. Identify the typical features of fully engaged followers in an organization. (Check all that apply.)
  10. In the context or an organization, match the types of followers based on their readiness (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column).
  11. Arrange the steps of the systematic process used in large organizations for collecting potential and readiness information about followers in the correct order of occurrence. (Please the first step at the top).
  12. Firms often use the results of 9-box matrices and replacement tables to identify people to send to high-potential programs. Identify the true statements about people who are identified as high- potential + high performance types. (Check all that apply.)
  13. In the context of an organization, match the techniques used to identify and evaluate followers’ potential and performance (in the left column) with the descriptions of their results (in the right column).
  14. In the context of tackling the leadership talent shortfall in an organization, a follower’s capacity to advance on or more levels within his or her organization is known as ________________.
  15. Identify the true statements about succession planning in small companies. (Check all that apply.)
  16. _________ is the process most organizations use to make leadership potential and readiness decisions about followers.
  17. True or false: The results of replacement tables used for filling a firm’s key leadership positions are reviewed by senior leaders on a monthly basis.


Practice: SmartBook Ch. 11, Groups, Teams, and Their Leadership

  1. All of the following are true of groups except which?
  2. Subgroups of individuals who often share the same goals, values, and expectations are referred to as __________.
  3. In the context of an organization, the inefficiencies created by more and more people working together as a group are referred to as __________.
  4. In an organizational context, the phenomenon of reduced effort by people in a group when they are not individually accountable for their work is known as _____________.
  5. In the context or an organization, identify the true statements about social facilitation. (Check all that apply.)
  6. Which of the following is not a stage in the development of groups?
  7. A leader clearly emerges, and patterns of behavior and cohesiveness are developed in the ________ stage of group development.
  8. According to the process known as punctuated equilibrium, teams do which of the following?
  9. __________ conflict occurs when someone receives inconsistent signals from several others about expected behavior.
  10. When a group becomes more concerned with striving for unanimity than objectively appraising different action options, _________ has occurred.
  11. According to I. L. Janis, identify the symptoms of groupthink in an organizational context (Check all that apply.)
  12. According to I. L. Janis, to reduce groupthink in an organizational setting, leaders should refrain from ___________.
  13. Which of the following occurs when illegal actions are taken by overly zealous and loyal subordinates who believe that what they are doing will please their leaders?
  14. According to L. Janis, match the symptoms of groupthink (in the left column) with their outcomes in an organizational context (in the right column).
  15. According to I. L. Janis, identify the ways of reducing groupthink in an organizational setting. (Check all that apply.)
  16. In the context of groups, identify the true statements about ollieism. (Check all that apply.)
  17. Another name for a geographically dispersed team is a ____________ team.
  18. In the context of the process measures of a team’s effectiveness in an organization, the phrase “________” refers to interactions among team members, including aspects such as how they communicate with others, express feelings toward each other, and deal with conflict with each other.
  19. In an organizational context, identify the statements that show the differences between teams and groups. (Check all that apply.)
  20. In the context of an organization, identify the guidelines given by Terence Brake for leaders of virtual teams. (Check all that apply.)
  21. The model that resembles a systems approach with inputs at the base, processes in the center, and outputs at the top is known as the _________________.
  22. In an organizational context, identify the process measures of effectiveness that provide criteria by which one can examine how a team works. (Check all that apply.)
  23. Analyze the given image of the Team Leadership Model (TLM) in the context of an organization. The level “I-1” suggests that a leader needs to look at the interest and motivations of each team member. These are referred to as ________________ in the model.
  24. If a job is meaningless, lacks sufficient autonomy, or provides no knowledge of results, a leader would not expect to see followers putting forth much effort. In the Team Leadership Model (TLM), these are problems at the ____________ level.
  25. If Jim artificially changes his behavior because he is aware that his behavior is being studied, a phenomenon known as the _______________ occurs.
  26. In an organizational context, identify the statements that show the differences between teams and groups. (Check all that apply.)
  27. In the context of the process measures of a team’s effectiveness in an organization, the phrase “________________” refers to interactions among team members, including aspects such as how they communicate with others, express feelings toward each other, and deal with conflict with each other.
  28. In the context of an organization, identify the guidelines given by Terence Brake for leaders of virtual teams. (Check all that apply.)


Practice: SmartBook Ch. 12, Skills for Developing Others

  1. The most important step in accomplishing a goal is to
  2. Which type of goal is most likely to lead to higher levels of effort and performance?
  3. Which of the following is true?
  4. Organizational goals are most likely to be achieved when
  5. To understand whether performance is acceptable, individuals should seek feedback from which of the following?
  6. In the context of an organization, match the components of feedback skills (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column).
  7. When is feedback most helpful?
  8. Feedback should be all of the following except which?
  9. Of the following, which is the best time to give feedback?
  10. Career strategies fall under which part of the GAPS Analysis?
  11. Capitalizing on a coachable moment should take
  12. Which of the following is the most important intervention for leaders trying to create a learning environment?
  13. In the context of an organization, which of the following are the characteristics of good feedback? (Check all that apply.)
  14. In the context of leadership, identify the guidelines for individuals giving feedback to be helpful. (Check all that apply.)
  15. Which type of feedback is most helpful for a subordinate?
  16. True or false: Feedback designed to embarrass or demean an individual is appropriate in some cases.


Practice: Knowledge Check

  1. In the context of job satisfaction surveys,      assess the degree to which employees are satisfied with different aspects of work, such as pay, benefits, promotion policies, working hours and conditions, and the like.
  2. In the context of understanding follower potential, which of the following is the process most organizations use to make leadership potential and readiness decisions about followers?
  3. According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following is a hygiene factor?
  4. In the context of the nature of groups,     are the informal rules groups adopt to regulate and regularize group members' behaviors.
  5. A manager makes the following statement to a subordinate: "I need this report back in five minutes, and it better be perfect." Which term best describes this type of role conflict?
  6. In comparing teams and group members, which statement is most likely true?
  7. According to Peterson and Hicks, which of the following is the first step in informal coaching?
  8. Identify a true statement about providing constructive feedback.
  9. It is most likely important to have specific goals for the purpose of
  10. What should a coach most likely do to help a follower stick to a development plan?


Apply: Quiz

  1. Choose the best example of employee engagement.
  2. If you fire Julio from his job after making one mistake but did not fire John for making the same mistake several times, you have committed an error related to which type of justice?
  3. Harrison is generally satisfied with his current work, but he is not satisfied with how much he is being paid and the benefits he is receiving. Which type of job satisfaction is low for Harrison?
  4. Francine does not feel treated fairly and believes she is not provided information about changes at her corporation. Also, she is not being rewarded for her work. These aspects would fall under which type of justice?
  5. What are some roles that can be included in a Communities of Practice?
  6. Choose the best example of presenteeism.
  7. Your employees have expressed satisfaction in their work, but you are concerned about the factors that lead to dissatisfaction. Which of these is most likely to lead to dissatisfaction according to Herzberg’s two-factor theory?
  8. What are some important actions managers can take to build diversity, trust and engagement?
  9. How do Communities of Practice (CoP) differ from teams?
  10. You have just been assigned to lead a team that has not been performing well. Using the Team Leadership Model, what question might you ask first to determine why the team has not been performing well?
  11. Out of the following list, what is one reason why people leave organizations?
  12. According to Ginnett’s model, what are the four components you would use to design a team?
  13. The most senior manager on your team has just been promoted and your manager wants you to hire an outside candidate to fill the vacant position. Which of these is the best rationale for filling the position?
  14. When Luís provides feedback during coaching sessions with employees, he focuses on their emotions. Employee performance has not really improved from the coaching sessions. What could Luís do in coaching sessions that may be more helpful for improving the employee’s performance?
  15. When Luís provides feedback during coaching sessions with employees, he focuses on their emotions. Employee performance has not really improved from the coaching sessions. What could Luís do in coaching sessions that may be more helpful for improving the employee’s performance
  16. What term describes how a team communicates with one another, deals with conflict, and expresses feelings?
  17. You are the leader of a team that works hard, has a strategy, and has the knowledge and skill to get the task done, but your team is still struggling to perform effectively. Your team does not communicate well with one another and does not deal with conflict well. Which statement describes a way to increase the effectiveness of your team?
  18. What is an important detail related to effective Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)?
  19. Members of another manager’s team have reported unprofessional and harassing treatment by one of their team members multiple times over the last year without any observable change in the situation, and they believe this is due to the team member being a favorite of the department director. This issue of fairness in treatment is related to which of the following?
  20. Choose the best reason for how Employee Resource Groups promote diversity within an organization.
  21. Jack and Monica contributed together to finish an impressive marketing campaign for their company’s largest client. Jack received a promotion and a bonus, but Monica received no public recognition. What type of justice will followers and Monica feel was not met?
  22. Stan is an employee that was recruited from the local university. He is a strong performer but has decided to leave the organization due to being dissatisfied. What type of turnover is this?
  23. If you want to lead according to the Team Leadership Model, which is the critical function that creates a foundation for team leadership?
  24. Vedrana asked coworker Prabhakar to give feedback on a report to executive management. He stated, “Good start but needs work in several areas.” How can Prabhakar improve the feedback?
  25. According to Herzberg’s two-factor theory, is focusing on motivators enough to reduce job dissatisfaction?


LDR/300T WEEK 5 Discussion Question

Cultural Contexts of Leadership - includes 3 Full Answers to this Discussion Question! A+ Work!

What is considered effective leadership depends on the cultural context. However, do you think there are some leadership "gold-standards," some characteristics and behaviors that leaders in all cultures must demonstrate? If so, what do think they are?