POS/409 Entire Class 2019    POS/409 Entire Class

Or you may purchase tutorials by the Week below.

POS/409 Record Objects
POS/409 Interfaces and Inheritance
POS/409 Entire Class
POS/409 Record Objects

POS/409 Week 1

Everything listed for Week 1 is included in purchase!! 


Individual: Record Objects

Includes Working Application and Instructor Feedback - Perfect Score

You are a software development employee at a startup company. Your HR department has tasked the IT department with developing a simple application (Windows Form Application) to load and display employee records. 

Your application will need to do the following:

Create an Employee Class with the following properties:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Street Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip

Create a sub class for Managers which inherits from the Employee Class. The Manager class will have the following additional properties:

  • Cost Center
  • Supervisor

Create a sub class for Developers which inherits from the Employee Class. The Developer class will have the following additional properties:

  • Developer Type(Script, .NET, Mobile, etc.)
  • Supervisor
  • Tax Type (W2, 1099-Contract)

Load employee information from a text file selected by the user into an array consisting of Managers and Developers.The format of your text file should be something like this:

First Name, Last Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Employee Type (Manager or Developer), Cost Center (0 if Developer), Supervisor, Tax Type (NA if Manager)

  1. There should be a separate line for each employee (only one line per employee with the fields above) and your file should contain at least 7 – 10 employee records. You should save the file with a .txt or .csv extension.

The UI should allow the user to select how many records to view (start at 3 and allow up to the total number of records loaded).

The following requirements detail the critical elements that will determine the grading criteria for your submission. Please see the rubric below these requirements.

  • The application should compile and run successfully
  • The application should display Inheritance(Steps 1 – 3 above).
  • The application should allow the user to load a text or csv file for processing (Step 4 above).
  • The application should load the text file elements into an array of employee records (Step 4 & 4a above).
  • The application should display records from the array. The number of records to display should be selected by the user. (Step 5above).
  • Your application should contain comments to explain the data and process flow of your code.

Zip your Visual Studio® solution project folder so it can be submitted for grading. In Visual Studio®, you can locate the folder with your solution by left clicking on the solution node in the Solution Explorer. Look at the Properties window to find the folder name in the Path property. Locate this folder in File Explorer and zip the folder. 

Submit your ZIP file using the Assignment Files tab.


Discussion Question: Interfaces and Inheritance

Includes 3 individual replies to this discussion question!

Some resources claim interfaces should always be used. Others say it depends on the situation. 
Discuss when an interface should be used.
Discuss the difference between a subclass and an object as they apply to inheritance. Include a situation when you would use each.

POS/409 List Collection
POS/409 Collections in REST API Calls and C# .NET Collections
POS/409 Designing and Planning the Learning Team Project
POS/409 Designing and Planning the Learning Team Project

POS/409 Week 2


Everything listed for Week 2 is included in purchase!! 


Learning Team: Designing and Planning the Learning Team Project

Includes Working Application Instructor Feedback - Perfect Score

Software developers are often hired as contractors to work in teams to accomplish software development tasks. Over the coming weeks, you will build a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) application as a team of contractors. Each week your team will build a portion of the program.
As a team, examine the following programs and the linked sources data, and select one to complete by the end of the course:

  • Create a program that will allow the user to enter a zip code and show the weather for the zip code entered. (Possible source of data: https://www.wunderground.com/weather/api/d/docs)
  • Create a program to search the World Wide Web. Keep track of the last 10 searches the user entered. (Possible source of data: https://developers.google.com/custom-search/json-api/v1/using_rest)
  • Create a program to take in two locations and show the driving directions between those two points. (Possible source of data: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/start)
Note: Each of the programs can be accomplished by creating a UWP application calling an Application Programming Interface (API) using a Representational State Transfer (REST) web service.
For your team assignment this week, create a 1- to 2-page document using Microsoft® Word including each of the following:
  • Identify and investigate the service you will use and the data the service will return.
  • Investigate whatever setup you need to do in order to use the selected API, including registering for a developer key.
  • Use a tool like Postman to test the API and make sure it will work for you (use the link to download Postman).
  • Complete the initial class design for your selected program including properties and collections.
  • Complete the initial user interface design for your program.
  • Create a project plan for the work you will do with clear expectations for each team member.
Note: The Learning Team Assignment Tips document will help you as you work through all the steps to build your Universal Windows Platform application.
Submit your assignment.


Individual: List Collections 

Perfect Score

Upon further review of the previous assignment, you have determined that you can make your application (from Week 1) more efficient by replacing the arrays with Lists.
Your application will need to implement the first 3 requirements AND the 5th of the Week 1 assignment.
For requirement #4, you will do the following: Load employee information from a text file selected by the user into a LIST Collection consisting of Managers and Developers. The format of your text file should be something like this:
First Name, Last Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Employee Type (Manager or Developer), Cost Center (0 if Developer), Supervisor, Tax Type (NA if Manager)

  • There should be a separate line for each employee (only one line per employee with the fields above) and your file should contain at least 7 – 10 employee records. You should save the file with a .txt or .csv extension.
The following requirements detail the critical elements that will determine the grading criteria for your submission. Please see the rubric below these requirements.
  • The application should compile and run successfully
  • The application should display Inheritance(Steps 1 – 3 from Week 1).
  • The application should allow the user to load a text or csv file for processing (Step 4 above).
  • The application should load the text file elements into an array of employee records (Step 4 & 4a above).
  • The application should display records from the array. The number of records to display should be selected by the user. (Step 5 fromWeek 1).
  • Your application should contain comments to explain the data and process flow of your code.

Zip your Visual Studio® solution project folder so it can be submitted for grading. In Visual Studio®, you can locate the folder with your solution by left clicking on the solution node in the Solution Explorer. Look at the Properties window to find the folder name in the Path property. Locate this folder in File Explorer and zip the folder. 

Submit your ZIP file.


Discussion Question: Collections in REST API Calls and C# .NET Collections

Includes 3 individual replies to this discussion question!

Many applications get their data from the internet. This is done in various ways, but one of the most common ways is to use REST (Representational State Transfer) and make calls to get data over HTTP (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol). REST API's center around resources grouped as a collection. 
There are many open APIs (Application Program Interfaces) that are free and can be used to get data from different sources. Click the link to view an example of the code to make a currency conversion that you can access in your browser. 
As you can see data is often returned as a collection of objects. 
Discuss how REST is commonly used in calling an API to get data and discuss the different data formats that are used in this type of data transfer.
Knowing when to apply collections on a given business problem is an important skill for developers to know.
Using the information from Lesson 7, "Managing Collections of Data," of the Lynda.com® course C# Essential Trainingselect one .NET collection, and explain possible benefits of implementing the selected C# collection.
From the perspective of the IT manager, discuss business problems that could be solved using the selected C# collection.



POS/409 Class Design, Construction, and Testing
POS/409 Week 3 LINQ
POS/409 Using LINQ to Mockup Data and Operator Overload
POS/409 Class Design, Construction, and Testing

POS/409 Week 3


Everything listed for Week 3 is included in purchase!! 


Learning Team: Class Design, Construction, and Testing

Perfect Score

You and your team of software development contractors are moving forward with the steps to build your Universal Windows Platform (UWP) application. 

Using the document you created for last week's Learning Team assignment, read the information on the attached "Basic Queries (LINQ to XML) (C#)" tutorial, and research where you will get the data for your program design. Use this information to build the classes you will use for your selected team program. Remember, the query class represents the base class for executing search queries.

Create a simple application that demonstrates and uses the classes. You could mock-up the data that the service API will provide by using LINQ. Each team member should be contributing to the construction of the code and reviewing the code and design. Each team member needs to know how to build, debug, and run the program.

Note: Each week's Learning Team assignment will help you complete your Week Five Individual Assignment.

Zip your Visual Studio® solution project folder so it can be submitted for grading. In Visual Studio®, you can locate the folder with your solution by left clicking on the solution node in the Solution Explorer. Look at the Properties window to find the folder name in the Path property. Locate this folder in File Explorer and zip the folder. 

Submit your ZIP file.


Individual: LINQ

Includes Instructor Feedback - Perfect Score

You will now explore Data Editing & JSON functionality.
JSON Functionality

You will create a JSON file with the following elements:

  1. Each JSON record/object will have the following fields:
  2. First Name
  3. Last Name
  4. Age
  5. Employee Type (Supervisor, Developer, Analyst,Director, Support)
  6. Title (eg. Director of IT, Support Manager) You can make up titles here.
  7. Salary(decimal value)
  8. Your JSON file must contain 7 to 10 records
  9. Your application must load this JSON file into corresponding class objects (You must define and implement a class which will be able to hold the data from each JSON record).
  10. Your application must display the data in a control that will allow the user to edit the file.
Data Edit Functionality
  1. When a user selects a record, they should be allowed to edit the data in the record
  2. The user should be allowed to save the newly edited data in a JSON file.

As mentioned above your application must demonstrate the following elements (according to the rubric attached below).

  • OOP Implementation – correctly defined and implemented classes
  • JSON Functionality – correctly load a JSON formatted file
  • Data Editing – correctly edit and save the data to a JSON formatted file
  • Compile/Run – your application should compile with NO syntax errors and it should execute properly
  • Code Comments – your code should contain comments describing the functionality

Zip your Visual Studio® solution project folder so it can be submitted for grading. In Visual Studio®, you can locate the folder with your solution by left clicking on the solution node in the Solution Explorer. Look at the Properties window to find the folder name in the Path property. Locate this folder in File Explorer and zip the folder. 

Submit your ZIP file using the Assignment Files tab.



Wk 3 Discussion - Using LINQ to Mock-Up Data and Operator Overload

Includes 3 individual replies to this discussion question!

When creating a program that receives data from an external source, we often need to mock-up or simulate the data. 
Discuss different approaches you might use in a .Net program to simulate data, including using LINQ and XML.
Considering the information you learned in Ch. 22, "Operator Overloading," of Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step about the .NET operator overload, determine possible benefits of implementing or modifying code by using operator overload on a business application.
You are hired on an application development team for a business. Discuss possible business challenges that could be enhanced by using operator overload.




POS/409 Implement the Initial User Interface
POS/409 Discussion Question DQ

POS/409 Week 4


Everything listed for Week 4 is included in purchase!! 


Learning Team: Implement the Initial User Interface

Perfect Score

You and your team of software development contractors are moving forward with the steps to build your Universal Windows Platform (UWP) application. 

For this week's Learning Team assignment, implement the initial user interface for the program your team designed in Week Two. Continue using test data which will allow you to test all user functions.

Each team member should demonstrate the following:

  • Test the user interface
  • Add validation code for any data entry input by the user
  • Contribute to the construction of the code
  • Review the code and design
  • Be able to build, debug, and run the program

Note: Each week's Learning Team assignment will help you complete your Week Five Individual Assignment.

Zip your Visual Studio® solution project folder so it can be submitted for grading. In Visual Studio®, you can locate the folder with your solution by left clicking on the solution node in the Solution Explorer. Look at the Properties window to find the folder name in the Path property. Locate this folder in File Explorer and zip the folder. 

Submit your ZIP file.


Individual: JSON

JSON Functionality You will create a JSON file with the following elements:
  1. Each JSON record/object will have the following fields:
  2. First Name
  3. Last Name
  4. Age
  5. Employee Type (Supervisor, Developer, Analyst,Director, Support)
  6. Title (eg. Director of IT, Support Manager) You can make up titles here.
  7. Salary(decimal value)
  8. Your JSON file must contain 7 to 10 records
  9. Your application must load this JSON file into corresponding class objects (You must define and implement a class which will be able to hold the data from each JSON record).
  10. Your application must display the data in a control that will allow the user to edit the file.
Data Edit Functionality
  1. When a user selects a record, they should be allowed to edit the data in the record
  2. The user should be allowed to save the newly edited data in a JSON file.
As mentioned above your application must demonstrate the following elements (according to the rubric attached below).
  • OOP Implementation – correctly defined and implemented classes
  • JSON Functionality – correctly load a JSON formatted file
  • Data Editing – correctly edit and save the data to a JSON formatted file
  • Compile/Run – your application should compile with NO syntax errors and it should execute properly
  • Code Comments – your code should contain comments describing the functionality
Zip your Visual Studio® solution project folder so it can be submitted for grading. In Visual Studio®, you can locate the folder with your solution by left clicking on the solution node in the Solution Explorer. Look at the Properties window to find the folder name in the Path property. Locate this folder in File Explorer and zip the folder.  Submit your ZIP file using the Assignment Files tab.


WK 4 Discussion - Data Validation, Multithreading and Asynchronous Processing

Includes 3 individual replies to this discussion question!

One of the best ways to reduce the amount of time spent debugging software is to validate all user input data. 
Discuss different ways user input can be validated using .Net and C#. How can you determine the best way to validate user input?
Knowing how to enhance and improve performance of a given business application is a critical skill for developers.
Using the information from Lesson 5, "Optimize Applications with Multithreading," of the Lynda.com® course C# & .NET: Programmingexplain how the implementation discussed can improve your C# code.
Discuss business problems that could be solved by the implementation of multithreading and asynchronous processing.


POS/409 Overview of C# Programming Presentation
POS/409 Connecting the Application to Live Data
POS/409 XML vs. JSON and Web Implementation & Manipulation of Data Objects
POS/409 Connecting the Application to Live Data

POS/409 Week 5


Everything listed for Week 5 is included in purchase!! 


Learning Team: Connecting the Application to Live Data

Perfect Score (2 Final Team Applications included)

You and your team of software development contractors are ready to finalize your Universal Windows Platform (UWP) application. 

Complete your Learning Team assignment by adding the capability to make the necessary API calls using REST in your program.

Each team member should be contributing to the construction of the code and reviewing the code and design. Each team member is responsible for knowing how to build, debug, and run the program.

Zip your Visual Studio® solution project folder so it can be submitted for grading. In Visual Studio®, you can locate the folder with your solution by left clicking on the solution node in the Solution Explorer. Look at the Properties window to find the folder name in the Path property. Locate this folder in File Explorer and zip the folder. 

Note: Each week's Learning Team assignment will help you complete your Week Five Individual Assignment.

Submit your ZIP file.

Individual: Overview of Programming Presentation

Includes Instructor Feedback - Perfect Score

Because of your recent work as a software development contractor, you are hired to present an overview of C# programming to a new group of contractors who are working on a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) application.

Using what you learned from your experience in the weekly Learning Team assignments, prepare a 12- to 15-slide presentation with voice over narration or you may include a recording/podcast of the presentation with your slides.

If you do not wish to use voice over, you must include detailed notes with each slide.

The slides should cover the following content:

  • Highlights of C# syntax
  • Overview of mathematical operators and a coding fragment sample
  • Overview of loops and a coding fragment sample
  • Overview of conditional expressions and a coding fragment sample
  • Working with object models in C#
  • Code Debugging, Resource Management and Data Validation
  • Databases versus text files
  • Using events and delates and collections
  • Overview of exceptions, errors, and debugging
  • Explanation of the benefits of LINQ in C# programming. Including how LINQ compares to other query languages, such as SQL and XQuery
  • Explanation of the benefits of JSON in C# programming
  • REST and C# programming
  • A conclusion slide that contains at least three important tips for C# programmers that you have gained over the last four weeks

Submit the PowerPoint® presentation with voice over narration or the presentation with the audio recording/podcast.


WK 5 Discussion - XML vs. JSON and Web Implementation & Manipulation of Data Objects

Includes 3 individual replies to this discussion question!

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using XML and JSON when calling a REST service. Why is it important to weigh these options?
Knowing how to enhance the user experience, web presence, and web application performance on a given business website is an important skill for developers.
Considering how C# web implementation and manipulation of web code data objects can improve your C# code, discuss business problems that could be solved by the smart implementation of web code and manipulation of web data objects.