HCS/490 Health Care Consumer - Trends and Marketing

The Vice President of Sales for your company has asked you for more information on cloud-based office productivity suites. He tells you that the Sales team is often remote and needs to be able to stay connected to the office.     HCS/490 ENTIRE CLASS

HCS/490 Week 1 Allocations of Health Care Spending
HCS/490 Week 1 Allocations of Health Care Spending
HCS/490 Week 1 Allocations of Health Care Spending

HCS/490 Week 1

All Options listed below are Included in the Week 1 tutorial purchase!

Individual: Allocations Of Health Care Spending

Includes Option#1 -   618 words!

Includes Option#2 -   972 words!

Includes Option#3 -1,067 words!

Includes Option#4 -   425 words!

** Includes Excel Worksheet for Allocations of Health Care Spending
One of our objectives in Week One is Identify Health Care Costs For Consumers. Allocations of health care spending is an important part that make up health care costs for the consumer. This first week gives you a chance to look at the changing landscape of health care. It is important to understand how health care is changing in order to
adequately understand how consumers are being, and will be, affected, as well as how marketers connect to consumers. You are encouraged to research the internet to really understand the structure of the health care system, how it has changed, and who the stakeholders are in the health care field so they can understand the rationale behind costs.
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS - If you are basing your analysis on personal experiences, the information should be well documented stating personal and the date. You do not have to name the source of personal information. Otherwise, you should research each category that is missing personal information. For more information regarding APA guidelines, such as references and how to cite references, please see the Announcements.
In the worksheet attached, research and fill out each category of costs that consumers incur. You may use personal information, as long as it is cited appropriately.
In 200 words or more, address these questions:
• How have health care spending changed within the last 20 years or more?
• What could be some of the reasons for rising health care costs?
• What did you learn about your own personal health care spending?
• What do you see as some challenges facing consumers in the health care system?
Cite a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references from your research.
Include a title page and reference page.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment


HCS/490 Week 2 Staying Relevant Simulation
HCS/490 Week 2 Staying Relevant Simulation
HCS490 Week 2 Staying Relevant Simulation

HCS/490 Week 2

All Options listed below are Included in the Week 2 tutorial purchase!


Learning Team: Staying Relevant Simulation Reflection

Includes Option#1 - 1,299 words!

Includes Option#2 - 1,325 words!                                                  

Includes Option#3 - words!
Part 1: Individual
Each team member will complete the Staying Relevant simulation as an individual. The email requested at the end of the simulation will not be turned in for points; however, you will use the information composed as an individual in Part 2 of the learning team assignment.
Compose the email requested at the end of simulation. The email proposal should include:
• Objectives and target audience for the project
• A thorough review of the website and social media page
• Specific details on how the website and social media page could be improved
• New ideas and how they could be implemented for Bright Road
Part 2: Learning Team
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word reflection regarding the simulation and its importance in the course or in potential careers. Include the following:
• Summarize key points of the simulation.
• Explain the relevancy of the simulation to the course and to potential careers.
• As a team, develop at least three questions you would have asked during this meeting

    to provide you with additional information needed.
• As a team, summarize your thoughts from the individually written emails regarding:
• Specific details on how the website and social media page could be improved
• New ideas and how they could be implemented for Bright Road
Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.



HCS/490 Week 3 Community Mailer
HCS/490 Week 3 Community Mailer

HCS/490 Week 3

All Options listed below are Included in the Week 3 tutorial purchase!


Learning Team: Community Mailer

Includes Mailer Option#1 (Word doc)

Includes Mailer Option#2 (Word doc)

Includes Mailer Option#3 (Word doc)

Includes Mailer Option #4 (PowerPoint)

Includes Mailer Option #5 (PowerPoint)
Additional instructions - You, as a student, know the set up in which you are going to provide information to your community based on the assignment. The assignment states "You work for your local public health department and they have asked you to create a mailer to be sent out to your community describing the state of your health care market." Therefore, the assignment has already given you your target audience (your local community), your objective (state of the health care market), the method or channel in which you are going to get your message across (two-page mailer). The two-page Community Mailer is a form of direct mail (marketing). A mailer is similar to a brochure or
some type document providing information that is mailed out to a target audience, or in this case, your community. Maybe, you have gotten a mailer from your homeowner's association or your landlord, at one point. You can do mailers with MS Word or PowerPoint. U.S. post office has information on direct mail in the Business Solution section. You can type "brochure" or "mailer" on the search button in PowerPoint or MSWord, and you can find pre-installed templates. Typing "brochure" will probably give you more options. Have fun with it, be creative.
The local health department is considering a new program for the county. Your supervisor has reminded you that it is important to know your consumers in order to effectively market to them. You have been tasked with creating a mailer for the new program based on research of the area. Your local public health department have asked you to create a mailer to be sent out to your community describing the state of your health care market.
Research and identify your local community or your nearby community, if needed.
Create a two-page mailer and include the following:
• Cultural demographics of your community
• Age breakdown of your community
• How the demographics and age affect your local health care market
• The major health needs of the community
• A comparison of your community to the national health care market
• Local wellness programs and their effect on health care costs
• Include recommendations for how you might market to your local community.
Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


hcs/490 week 4 communication strategy
HCS/490 WEEK 4 Benchmark Assignment—Health Care Access Options
hcs/490 week 4 communication strategy
HCS/490 WEEK 4 Benchmark Assignment—Health Care Access Options

HCS/490 Week 4

ALL Options listed below are Included in the Week 4 tutorial purchase!


Learning Team: Communication Strategy

Includes Option#1 - 1,173 words!

Includes Option#2 - 1,662 words!

Includes Option#3 -    635 words!

Includes Option#4 - 1,151 words!

Includes Option#5 - 1,103 words!

Includes Option#6 -    614 words!

Includes Option#7 - 1,406 words!

Includes Option#8 - 1.069 words!

Imagine you work for a marketing firm and you have been assigned to work with a new health care client. The client needs help with a communication strategy for a new product they are launching soon.
Choose 1 of the following initiatives:
• Health spa launching a new weight loss treatment
• Insurance company launching a new medical product for the exchange
• Hospital system launching a new diabetes program
• Medical device manufacturer launching a new metal alloy prosthesis
• Select your own company and product with approval from your instructor
Create a 12- to 18-month communication strategy for your client. You may use a communication strategy template or you can create your own. In your strategy:
• Differentiate between the types of communication that could be used when

    marketing to different generations.
• Describe how you will use an integrated campaign to reach your target audience.
• Compare successful industries and how they leverage transparency.
Describe how you can apply that to your strategy.
Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


Individual: Benchmark Assignment—Health Care Access Options

Includes Option#1 - 1,457 words!

Includes Option#2 - 1,355 words!

Includes Option#3 - 1,168 words!

Includes Option#4 - 1,395 words!

Includes Option#5 - 1,295 words!

Research the following in your community or surrounding area:
• One walk-in clinic, such as urgent care
• One retail clinic in your local grocery store or drug store
• No appointment physician's office
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes the above centers and addresses the following:
• Analyze the changing landscape of the health care system.
• Differentiate the various places health care is delivered.
• Analyze what impact cultural demographics have on the health care market.
• Analyze the targeted audience of the clinic or office based on cultural demographics.
• Analyze the effectiveness of the marketing approach for the clinic or office to various

• Analyze the marketing techniques that could be used to improve the marketing within

    different cultural demographics.
• Differentiate what effect different generations have on the health care market.
• Analyze the targeted audience of the clinic or office based on generational

• Differentiate the effectiveness of the marketing approach for the clinic or office to

    various generations.
• Differentiate the marketing techniques that could be used to improve the marketing

     within different generations.
• Analyze the impact of media and social networking on consumer choices.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your paper.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


Supporting Activity Discussion Question

What are the pros and cons of governmental regulation of health care products and services to the consumer? Give examples of at least 2 pros and 2 cons.



hcs/490 week 5 benchmark assignment - Marketing Strategy
hcs/490 week 5 benchmark assignment - Marketing Strategy
HCS/490 Benchmark Assignment - Marketing Strategy Week 5 HCS490

HCS/490 - Week 5

All Options listed below are Included in the Week 5 tutorial purchase!


Benchmark Assignment—Marketing Strategy

Includes Option#1 -   618 words!

Includes Option#2 -   972 words!

Includes Option#3 -1,067 words!

Create a full marketing strategy (3 to 4 pages) for a health care company or product. Refer to the examples of companies or products
used in the Week Four Communication Strategy assignment. You may use a company or product from Week Four or select a new company or product. Address the following in your marketing strategy:
Section 1: General Product Information
• Describe the health care company or product
• Describe how you will market your health care company or product.
• Describe how the marking plan will differ from other marketing plans currently available

    to consumers.
• Describe the value of the services offered by your health care company or product.
Section 2: Consumers
• Differentiate health care access options for consumers.
• Differentiate the health care access options that are available to your target

• Analyze how the health care access options will affect how you market to your target

• Analyze how consumers communicate health care access options.
• Analyze the implications of communication methods used when
sharing health information. Consider communication from physicians,
pharmacies, and consumers when information is shared.
Section 3: Impact of Outside Agencies
• Analyze the impact government agencies have on products and services that are

   available to the health care consumer.
Section 4: Impact of Regulations
• Analyze the effect of health care reform on the health care consumer products and

• Analyze how health care reform will affect your target audience.
• Analyze how health care reform will affect how you market to your target audience.
Section 5: Anticipating the Changing Market
• Explain how consumer's options for health care are changing.
• Explain how you will ensure the health care company or product is relevant to the

Section 6: Importance of Market Strategy
• Explain why all of these factors are important for your marketing strategy.


Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.