COM/295T Business Communications |
COM/295T Business Communications
Week 1 Assignments
Apply: Signature Assignment: Case: Business Trip to China Quiz
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
- When Bo Chen referred to Judith Carey as “Ms. Carey,” Judith responded by referring to him as “Bo”. Which of the following cultural dimensions can best explain this situation?
- The first day of the visit is largely spent with lavish banquets and events. Which of the following cultural dimensions can best explain this situation?
- When Judith Carey asked Bo Chen about his views of the one-child policy, he stated, “China and America must solve their problems in their own ways.” Which of the following cultural dimensions can best explain this situation?
- Judith’s interpreter, Mei, encouraged her to give a toast to Bo Chen. Which of the following cultural dimensions can best explain this situation?
- Overall, what statement is most true of Judith?
- Which of the following elements of cultural intelligence should Judith work on the most?
- Overall, this case confirms that Chinese business culture is generally considered what combination of individualism and egalitarianism?
Practice: Demonstrating Cultural Intelligence Quiz
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
- Janet starts the conversation by stating, “Let’s cut to the chase here. I’ve hired each of you for your professionalism and expertise, and this project is way behind.” What cultural dimension is most at play here?
- Jake complains that the “primary problem is communication” because Sangita has not responded to his many emails over months. Jake’s complaint shows that he most lacks what element of cultural intelligence?
- Jake complains about Sangita, saying, “She’s not getting the vision. I don’t like the attitude.” Which of the following phrases best characterizes how this statement will be interpreted?
- Janet is a supervisor to both Sangita and Jake. In this situation, Janet is also acting as an intermediary to bridge differences between Sangita and Jake. This approach may be particularly effective in Indian culture due to what cultural dimension?
- It is evident that Janet, Sangita, and Jake are each interested in doing good work. They've discussed achieving good results, and they want to get things done in a timely manner. What cultural dimension most likely explains this?
- Sangita mentions that she has to attend a weeklong wedding for a fourth cousin. Janet and Jake react with laughter, suggesting Sangita can't possibly go to the wedding for that long given the hard deadline. The actions of all three individuals is best explained by which cultural dimension?
Practice: SmartBook: Ch. 1 - Establishing Credibility Quiz
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
- The many major business scandals in the early twenty-first century have impacted the American public in which of the following ways?
- According to anonymous surveys, a majority of graduate students in education, medicine, law, and business did which of the following to gain admittance to their programs?
- The statement “You must identify a goal with a measurable outcome, and you must hit that goal-every month, every day, every year” best describes which of the following?
- Which of the following questions should you consider when preparing to communicate with customers or colleagues?
- Which of the following statements about the cheating culture is true?
- The majority of employees view their leaders and colleagues___________ in the post-trust era.
- Most business leaders believe that their primary responsibilities to their employees include which of the following?
- Effective communicators gain trust by seeking to understand others’
- Which of the following factors impact a business executive’s credibility? (Select all that apply.)
- A perception that someone does not care about others will lead people to____________ them.
- Which of the following is a characteristic of givers in business?
- Which of the following are traits that are based on good character?
- Which of the following happens in a team when team members use the phrase “our needs” is used instead of “my needs”?
- In recent years transparency has been the most important
- The trait that ranked the highest in determining trust among individual in the workplace was
- Which of the following are positive ways a transparent workplace can be created by a leader in business?
- Having good character implies that one has ______ values.
- Which of the following is a characteristic of takers in business?
- True or false: In corporate communications, the principal business ethic today is brevity.
- Why might business professionals fail to speak up after observing unethical behavior in their company?
- Publicly traded companies must have an ethics code available to all employees because of the
- A feeling of _________ indicates an obligation to meet the needs and desires of others.
- True or false. Minor acts of dishonesty and slight deviations from the truth are harmless and should be encouraged in business.
- Assuming that a corporation has good values, which of the following statements about the alignment of personal values and corporate values are true?
- In business, dishonesty on financial performance is likely to lead to
- When composing important or controversial communications, you should spend time evaluating the best way
- The “R” in the FAIR test stands for
- Which of the following statements about company confidentiality are correct?
- The listening-centered approach to communication is critical to
- Which of the following are core principles in business communication?
- You can improve your professional skills by becoming a(n) _______ communicator.
- By thinking about how your communication will affect recipients, you are using the _________ component of the FAIR test.
- Demonstrating accountability in business implies which of the following?
- The moral principles that steer the behavior of a group or an individual are known as
- Having good credibility implies which of the following qualities?
- Credibility and trust can improve which of the following?
- Which of the following best describes trust in the workplace?
- The __________ test is an excellent way for you to evaluate whether your communications meets ethical standards.
- True or false: When you are known for failing to live up to tour promises to stakeholders, you have a reputation for good character.
- What are reasons a company might ask for confidentiality agreements from its employees?
- A person who demonstrates accountability is someone who will take a __________ perspective of the groups affected by his or her business.
- Perceptions of a person’s adherence to personal and corporate values are mostly determined by the person’s
- Which of the following are abuses of honesty?
- If employees do not honestly communicate about business issues, it can lead to
- Recent research has found that when workplaces develop a climate of betrayal, it is most often through which of the following kinds of actions?
- Conducting business with __________ helps forge character and maximize competencies.
- Which of the following are examples of good business ethics?
- When acting with transparency, a company executive provides stakeholders with which of the following?
- True or false: In recent years, a majority of employees of American companies trust that top management would keep its promises and commitments.
- In terms of communication in the near future, transparency is expected to remain the most important
- To build trust within an organization, decision making must be
- You have observed what you think may be unethical behavior in the workplace. Which of the following are ways to speak up constructively?
- Corporate values are the backbone of business
- An organization’s code of conduct is a(n)
- Sydney just started working in the marketing department for a major tobacco company. In her spare time she participates on anti-smoking campaigns. Which of the following statements about her personal values is true?
- When civil servants take predictable actions and share related information with stakeholders, it is an example of
- A good business communications textbook is designed to give readers which of the following things?
- Which of the following are core principles in business communication?
- Which of the following are gained by business leaders by when they recognize and show concern for others’ needs?
- Today’s effective business leaders have generally gained their positions because they
- You can create a sense of trust in others by adopting which of the following orientations?
- Which of the following are benefits of having many givers in a business?
- Which of the following is a principal element in allowing you to communicate more easily and more influentially?
- Simon worked in management at a large technology company that became embroiled in a scandal which many managers were implicated. Simon was cleared of any wrongdoing, but the company was shut down and all employees were laid off. Simon was hired at a rival company, but his new colleagues did not give him a warm welcome. Which of the following must Simon do to create a good working environment?
- Generosity towards others is an example of __________ in the business world.
- Employee engagement is a measure of which of the following?
- In business, a focus on action implies that a person will
- People can develop competence by finding discipline-related
- What are methods by which people can develop competence?
- Writer Stephen Covey stated that “if there is little or no __________, there is no foundation for permanent success.”
- In business, it is important to establish your __________ from your first day on the job.
- Which of the following statements about trust in businesses and business executives in the early twenty-first century is true?
- True or false: Over 70% of business employees trust their senior management and believe that their company leaders act with honesty and integrity.
- Global cheating culture refers to
- When given a set of hypothetical ethical dilemmas, MBA students scored high on unethical behavior as
- How does the public view businesses in the post-trust era?
- According to David Pottruck, which of the following developments are transforming twenty-first-century leadership?
- Which of the following traits is the least valuable for determining trust in individuals in the workplace?
- Meg Whitman, former CEO of HP, stated that early in her career she gained credibility and displayed competence by her focus on
- According to anonymous surveys, a majority of graduate students in education, medicine, law, and business did which of the following to gain admittance to their programs?
- The statement “You must identify a goal with a measurable outcome, and you must hit that goal-every month, every day, every year” best describes which of the following?
- Which of the following questions should you consider when preparing to communicate with customers or colleagues?
- Which of the following statements about the cheating culture is true?
- The majority of employees view their leaders and colleagues___________ in the post-trust era.
- Most business leaders believe that their primary responsibilities to their employees include which of the following?
- Effective communicators gain trust by seeking to understand others’
- Which of the following factors impact a business executive’s credibility? (Select all that apply.)
- A perception that someone does not care about others will lead people to____________ them.
- Which of the following is a characteristic of givers in business?
- Which of the following are traits that are based on good character?
- Which of the following happens in a team when team members use the phrase “our needs” is used instead of “my needs”?
- In recent years transparency has been the most important
- The trait that ranked the highest in determining trust among individual in the workplace was
- Which of the following are positive ways a transparent workplace can be created by a leader in business?
- Having good character implies that one has ______ values.
- Which of the following is a characteristic of takers in business?
- True or false: In corporate communications, the principal business ethic today is brevity.
- Why might business professionals fail to speak up after observing unethical behavior in their company?
- Publicly traded companies must have an ethics code available to all employees because of the
- A feeling of _________ indicates an obligation to meet the needs and desires of others.
- True or false. Minor acts of dishonesty and slight deviations from the truth are harmless and should be encouraged in business.
- Assuming that a corporation has good values, which of the following statements about the alignment of personal values and corporate values are true?
- In business, dishonesty on financial performance is likely to lead to
- When composing important or controversial communications, you should spend time evaluating the best way
- The “R” in the FAIR test stands for
- Which of the following statements about company confidentiality are correct?
- The listening-centered approach to communication is critical to
- Which of the following are core principles in business communication?
- By thinking about how your communication will affect recipients, you are using the _________ component of the FAIR test.
- Demonstrating accountability in business implies which of the following?
- The moral principles that steer the behavior of a group or an individual are known as
Practice: SmartBook: Ch. 4 - Communicating Across Cultures Quiz
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
- Cultural dimensions are long-standing sets of
- Individualism and collectivism is a dimension that generally focuses on which of the following cultural characteristics?
- Within individualist and collectivist cultures, there is __________ in values and behaviors.
- True or false: Future orientation can be defined as a readiness to forego current desires in order to achieve future goals and desires.
- Qualities measured by humane orientation include which of the following?
- Which of the following is true about displaying cultural intelligence?
- Generally speaking, which of the following are qualities women often show in their thinking and communication?
- Which groups are the most sensitive to diversity issues in the workplace?
- Which of the following would likely be the most effective way of communicating with a Gen Yer?
- Gen Xers are generally said to display which characteristics
- The majority of professionals view Gen Yers as being
- Which of the following statements accurately describe Millennials?
- Many Gen Y professionals view Gen Zers as being
- In the workplace, traditionalists are generally viewed as being which of the following?
- Which of the following describes a major reason why professionals work across generations now more than in the past?
- What is a major challenge related to working across generations?
- The manner in which members of a generational group were socialized directly affects which of the following?
- Which of the following statements about visiting persons in another culture are accurate?
- Of the following cultural traits, nearly all cultures value ______ the least.
- To develop a co-culture successfully in a cross-cultural business relationship _______ mind-set is important.
- Practicing another culture’s rules of etiquette has which of the following effects?
- In cross-cultural working relationships, ethnocentrism is also known as the ______ mind-set.
- Which of the following countries have low-trust cultures?
- When establishing trust and credibility in cross-cultural business relationships, which of the following guidelines are key to success?
- In cultures with high gender egalitarianism, professional jobs and leadership roles are available
- True or false: Future orientation can be defined as a readiness to forego current desires in order to achieve goals and desires
- Of the following cultural traits, nearly all cultures value ________ the least
- Uncertainty avoidance describes the way people handle
- Which of the following are qualities that can be expressed to establish credibility in cross-cultural work relationships?
- Qualities measured by humane orientation include which of the following?
- Which of the following are characteristics of high future-oriented cultures?
- Which two of the following countries have cultures that are considered to be highly assertive?
- Which of the following are general characteristics of hierarchical cultures?
- Which of the following general characteristics of egalitarian cultures?
- Collectivist values that are generally encourages in companies in individualist countries include
- Which one of the following is the highest in performance orientation?
- Companies and organizations that emphasize ______ often also have a culture that is family-centered.
- Which of the following statements are true about the use of English in international business?
- The identities of collectivists are typically based on which of the following?
- Understanding the eight cultural dimensions allow a person to get a good sense of
- Which of the following statements about individualism are true?
- One consideration when moving to a new country for work is the time needed to
- According to scholars who study intercultural communication, __________is the cultural dimension with the greatest impact
- Viewing people from other cultures through the ________ of their country, as defined by the news media coverage, regularly leads to unfair negative stereotyping.
- True or false: When moving to or working with a new culture, time should be set aside for making an adjustment.
- An in-depth understanding of other cultures attitudes comes from seeking
- One type of stereotype that can emerge when interacting with members of other cultures, projected cognitive similarity, is defined as the tendency to
- What are three highly useful methods for learning about another culture?
- When working with people from different cultures it’s often necessary to adjust your conceptions of ______ in order to minimize frustrations and conflict.
- Florence is planning to celebrate finishing her second year of college by taking an extended trip to Brazil over the summer. What method of preparing for her trip before she goes offers the most direct experience of Brazilian culture?
- Stereotypes can be productive for those working across cultures when they are which of the following?
- Which of the following are benefits of living in another culture?
- What are characteristics on which cultural intelligence is built?
- Which of the following statements are true about cultural intelligence?
- Which of the following common cultural traits is the most highly valued by the majority of businesses around the world?
- Collectivism includes which of the following characteristics?
- The most family-focused organizational cultures are often found in
- Which of the following are general characteristics of hierarchical cultures?
- Performance orientation emphasizes the importance of which of the following?
- In terms of culture, assertiveness focuses on the level of appropriate
- Which of the following describe qualities of a culture that is high in uncertainty avoidance?
- True or false: The cultural dimension of gender egalitarianism refers to how a society views the division of male and female roles.
- Individualists will exit friendships and relationships for which of the following reasons?
- Which of the following are characteristics of members of a collectivist society?
- Individualist culture predominates in which of the following countries?
- Companies and organizations worldwide place value on
- Hierarchical organizations emphasize the authority of their
- Which of the following are valued in communication within cultures considered to be low performance?
- Which of the following describes how organizations act in future-oriented societies?
- When people from less assertive cultures answer a “yes” or “no” question, their answer is
- True or false: Women generally play powerful roles in professional decision making in low gender-egalitarianism cultures.
- High-humane orientation cultures value
- Which of the following countries has the most collectivist culture?
- Which of the following statements are true about business tasks when working with persons from other cultures?
- Because cultures perceive time differently, there are different
- True or false: When moving to or working with a new culture, time should be set aside for making an adjustment.
- Which of the following is generally regarded as the global business language?
- Although members of other cultures may have limited proficiency in the global business language, their ability to communicate in it usually improves
- Which of the following are characteristics of ethnocentrism?
- A co-culture is formed when people working across cultures develop which of the following?
- Successfully forming a co-culture in a cross-cultural business environment involves ability to
- To form a co-culture means that each culture will have to shed __________ cultural values.
- Practicing another culture’s rules of etiquette has which of the following effects?
- When working abroad, international business travelers should be aware of which of the following areas of etiquette?
- Working across generations has many benefits, including
- Which of the following describes a perspective of a traditional in the workplace?
- In the workplace, Baby Boomers possess a
- In general, what are workplace characteristics that Gen Xers seek?
- At work, members of Gen Y are looking for which of the following?
- Which of the following are general perceptions of Gen Y professionals by older generations?
- According to Gen Y professionals, which of the following qualities are possessed by Gen Zers in the workplace?
- Which of the following are effective strategies for overcoming generational differences in the workplace?
- Which of the following is true about women and societies?
- Which of the following are group characteristics that can help form and define a professional’s identity and attitude?
- In business, workplaces often feature up to five distinct generations because
- Which of the following are group characteristics that can help form and define a professional’s identity and attitude?
- Rightly or wrongly, people rely on __________ to better understand the unfamiliar.
- Comprehension of the differences and similarities of various cultures is a sign of __________ intelligence.
- Which of the following are characteristics of business people with high cultural intelligence who are working with members of other cultures?
- True or false: Business professionals who are culturally intelligent believe other cultures can possess different yet valid approaches to business-management practices.
- Which of the following statements are true about cultural diversity in business?
- The best way to gain knowledge about another culture is through
- For business recruiters, which three of the following countries are generally considered the most valuable for a study-abroad experience?
- Which of the following are advantages of knowing a second language while working in business?
- Which of the following are typical outcomes of becoming friends with an international student?
- Which of the following traits is the most helpful in learning about a new culture?
- One way to gain insight into another culture’s visual and auditory cues is by
- Projected cognitive similarity can occur when people project their own cultural norms and values to explain behaviors they observe in others. Which of the following statements about projected cognitive similarity are true?
- The outgroup homogeneity effect results in people making little effort to __________ of other cultural groups.
- Negative stereotypes about people from other cultures often come from
- In general, people in other countries have a __________ view of Americans.
- Outgroup homogeneity effect is defined as the belief that all members of other groups are
- Which of the following are qualities that can be expressed to establish credibility in cross-cultural work relationships?
- Which of the following countries have high-trust cultures?
- In a cross-cultural business environment, developing empathy includes seeing members of other cultures as
- Which of the following is an aspect of the learner mind-set?
- Which of the following impacts how people are socialized?
- In low-humane-oriented cultures, financial and material assistance is offered primarily to which of the following?
- Which of the eight culture dimensions evolves the most quickly?
Discussion Question: Cultural Intelligence
Organizations who do business globally depend on employees’ ability to work and communicate well with colleagues and other business professionals from various cultures. This requires employees at all levels in the organization to have a high cultural intelligence and a keen understanding of cultural dimensions.
Select a country that your company is currently doing business with or plans to do business with in the future, or a country that interests you. The Apply assignment this week involves a case analysis of a business trip to China, so you may wish to choose China to gain more insight for the assignment.
Review the Globe ranking in Ch. 4, “Communicating Across Cultures,” of Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World for the 8 cultural dimensions for the country you selected.
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
- Describe the cultural dimensions for the country you selected.
- What are the characteristics of cultural intelligence?
- How can cultural intelligence impact your success communicating with colleagues and professionals in other countries.
COM/295T Business Communications
Week 2 Assignments
Apply: Signature Assignment: Case: Getting the Tone Right Quiz
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
Practice: Planning a Persuasive Message Quiz
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
- You know that the subject line is the first thing that the 3,500 employees at your company will see when you send this message. You're worried the current subject line won't garner much attention from the employees. As a result, you've written down the following options. Which of these options employs the principle of appreciation for others views?
- You also redrafted the second paragraph in the following way, "You may attend any one of the five workshops (M, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., T, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., W, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., W, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Th, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.). Please come with an emplty stomach - a breakfast buffet or a lunch box will be provided. The company wuill donate $100 to Red Cross for your attendance at any one of the workshops. You will receive a disaster training certificate for your participation in the workshop, which allows you to step forward and volunteer at a local community center in the event of an emergency." In this re-drafted passage, you have applied all of the following prinicples except what?
- You opened the third paragraph in the following way: "The two-hour workshops will include a lot of helpful information." Which of the following examples makes this statement more tangible?
- Which of the following statements is the most appropriate call to action?
- You know that the subject line is the first thing that the 3,500 employees at your company will see when you send this message. You’re worried the current subject line won’t garner much attention from the employees. As a result, you’ve written down the following options. Which of these options employs the principle of appreciation for others’ views?
- The more you look at your first paragraph, the more you think you need to reframe it. You’ve re-drafted it in the following way: “With a few easy steps, you can prepare to help others in the event of an earthquake. In just two hours, find out how you can protect your family members, your colleagues, and your loved ones if a disaster strikes.” Which principle have you most applied in making these changes?
- You also re-drafted the second paragraph in the following way: “You may attend any one of five workshops (M, 8 a.m to 10 a.m.; T, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; W, 8 a.m to 10 a.m., W, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Th, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.). Please come with an empty stomach—a breakfast buffet or a lunch box will be provided. The company will donate $100 to Red Cross for your attendance at any one of the workshops. You will receive a disaster training certificate for your participation in the workshop, which allows you to step forward and volunteer at a local community center in the event of an emergency.” In this re-drafted passage, you have applied all of the following principles EXCEPT what?
- You opened the third paragraph in the following way: “The two-hour workshops will include a lot of helpful information.” Which of the following examples makes this statement more tangible?
- In the third paragraph, you mentioned the following: “These workshops will be fun and engaging.” Which of the following examples most makes this statement more lively and action-oriented?
- Which of the following statements is the most appropriate call to action?
- All of the following strategies are examples of personalizing the message EXCEPT what?
Practice: SmartBook: Ch. 5
Creating Effective Business Msg Quiz
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
- Over the course of many communications, the lasting meta messages you send become the basis for
- When writing an effective business message, being flexible can involve which of the following?
- To demonstrate a can-do attitude in a business message, the writer should use
- When writing an effective business message, being flexible can involve which of the following?
- When writing a business message, a key component of credibility comes from demonstrating
- In business communications, which of the following generally enhances the writer’s beneficial influence over others?
- Which of the following are typical perceptions that readers have of a business message that includes exaggeration?
- Readers will usually interpret a business message containing the repeated use of the we-voice as
- True or false. If sentences in a business statement are composed in a nonassertive tone, they will always be read as nonassertive by readers.
- Over the course of many communications, the lasting meta messages you send become the basis for
- Which of the following are benefits of recognizing the contributions of others in business messages?
- Which of the following statements about goals and stages of writing effective business messages are true?
- When excellent business writers craft a message, they focus on the __________ stage first.
- A listener-centered approach to business writing includes a focus on
- Average and poor business writers are more likely than excellent writers to focus on the __________ stage first.
- Order from first to last, with the first step at the top, the following steps as they typically occur in developing sound business ideas.
- Which of the following are characteristics held by outstanding business thinkers?
- Which of the following are means that business professionals employ to draw out superior ideas?
- For someone in business, what does it mean to make a recommendation?
- Setting up the logic of the message consists of
- Framing the primary message involves presenting the message
- The frame of a primary business message should be which of the following?
- Most business messages are crafted using a(n) __________ approach.
- In a deductive business argument, the essence of the message can be gleaned from which three of the following?
- An indirect approach is often used for which of the following types of business messages?
- True or false: The use of templates is required for creating business messages.
- Which of the following are helpful ways of organizing the logic of a business message?
- Crystal believes that outsourcing the bookkeeping needs of her firm would save money. She researches various companies and runs the numbers for various scenarios to gather evidence of the potential savings that would result from using outside bookkeepers. Which of the following best defines Crystal’s message structure?
- Strong analogies are important to the writing of business messages because they
- Using exaggeration in a business message can affect the credibility of which of the following?
- The underlying, overall message that people get from a business communication is called the __________ message of the communication.
- The AIM process includes which of the following steps?
- An audience’s assessment of a business communication message is largely based on the author’s
- True or false: A business message may contain content that, despite sound logic and well-argued points, will displease some of its audience.
- Knowing which secondary audience might view a business communication allows the author to
- Which of the following are parts of the process of crafting effective business messages?
- In terms of tone, which of the following do readers respond to positively?
- Which of the following are the effects of a positive workplace attitude?
- The writer of a business message gives the impression that she conducted an analysis but does not mention another team member completed the analysis. The writer is
- As a rule of thumb, what is the minimum time needed to change a professional reputation?
- In business messages, a can-do attitude has which of the following qualities?
- During the message development process, business professionals should identify the __________ their ideas clearly.
- When framing the primary message, authors of a business message should complete which of the following?
- Which statements are most effective business messages?
- When a business professional sends mixed signals in a message, it typically leads to
- In business messages, a can-do attitude has which of the following qualities?
- For many business messages, the most important step in the planning stage of business communication writing is identifying
- In the context of business messages, workplace __________ are the core beliefs about suitable ways of handling issues and problems.
- The professional reputation of entry-level business people can be improved relatively quickly through which of the following?
- When solving business problems the first step is to
- Your goal in framing a business message is to
- When structuring a business message, its ideas should have a basis in
- An effective, logical business message includes which of the following characteristics?
- Business-message readers generally have a better reaction to an author who is seen as
- In a business message, slanting the facts means to
- When crafting a business message with strong reasoning, it is important to back claims with
- Which of the following should be avoided in business writing?
- When the tone of a business message is __________, there is an implied interest in the opinions and needs of the audience.
- In a business message that involves information mainly focused on the reader of the message, which of the following voices is favored?
- Which of the following qualities are likely to be attached to a business message that continually uses the I-voice?
- Which of the following actions will contribute to receiving a timely, desired response to a business message?
- True or false: Meta messages in your business communication can impact how others perceive your character.
- In a business message, mixed signals come about when there is a conflict between signals such as tone and
- Which of the following are the effects of a positive workplace attitude?
- The success of expert business writers lies in their placing greater focus on which two of the following stages?
- Business writers who effectively craft their messages do which of the following?
- A listener-centered approach to business messages focuses on the input of which of the following?
- AIM is a process for ___________ the writing of useful business messages.
- Business messages usually conclude with a
- During the planning stage of business message formation, anticipating a reader’s reaction is tied to
- Entry-level business professionals have low credibility primarily because they are
- For an effective frame, the primary business message should be approximately ______ words in length.
- In writing business messages, the planning stage focuses on ensuring excellent
- In general, which of the following are results an author can expect from a carefully crafted business message with strong logic?
- In effective business messages, any analogies should be rooted in
- Statements that are deduced based on fact are _____________.
- Readers interpret the tone of a business message primarily as a reflection of the writer’s attitude toward which two of the following?
- True or false. Business messages can be strengthened to counteract issues concerning low credibility.
- The framing of the primary business message is important for which of the following reasons?
- To form a business message with confident claims and predictions, which of the following should be included?
- Templates are used to create a business message for which of the following reasons?
- The description of products and services in a business message is more effective when it emphasizes their traits
- Understanding the constraints of the audience of a business message means that the message should be crafted to
- Using an outline or diagram to form the logic of a business message typically leads to which two results?
- Writing effective messages in business helps
- Which of the following statements about the goals and stages of writing effective business messages are true?
- Which of the following statements about workplace priorities is not true?
- Which of the following are identified to help create solid business ideas?
- Which of the following are ways an inexperienced newcomer can improve a professional reputation?
- When business thinkers are mentally flexible, they possess the ability to
- When focusing on complex business problems, ___________ is generally an essential part of the idea-development process.
- Which of the following are aspects of the analysis step of business idea development?
- Which of the following are accurate descriptions of the meta message of a business communication?
- Which of the following are characteristics of effective and compelling business message frames?
- When writing a business message with an indirect approach, which of the following are presented first?
- Which of the following are part of planning the basic message structure?
- Which of the following are aspects of setting up the logic of a business message?
- Which of the following statements about the framework of a deductive business message are accurate?
- Which of the following are likely effects of slanting the facts in business messages?
Practice: SmartBook: Ch. 10
Persuasive Messages Quiz
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
- Which of the following are examples of persuasion?
- Communication specialist Liz Simpson argues that to succeed at persuasion, you must strive to __________ the other person’s point of view.
- Because his six principles of influence are powerful and can do harm, Cialdini refers to them as
- Which of the following are elements of persuasive message that are included in the body of the message?
- When the audience shows emotional resistance to your solution, you might have success with
- Through __________ you acknowledge that the reader’s point of view is legitimate and reasonable.
- In the past, business communicators most often used __________ to show that their own products were better than those of their competition.
- A call to action should not
- Jenica needs to persuade her colleagues to volunteer to help with a company fund-raiser. Which of the following statements would likely achieve the most positive results?
- The principle of persuasion based on the idea that people typically stay with something once they have committed to it is known as __________.
- When people follow the lead of experts or prominent figures, they are conforming to the principle of influence is known as __________.
- The use of limited-time offer to persuade people to make a purchase is an example of the principle of __________.
- Communicators often need to know how to __________ to help people overcome core attachments to embrace new ideas, products, and services.
- Exaggeration, sardonic remarks, and over-the-top persuasive messages are most appropriate for
- Because people tend to balk at embracing persuasive messages, one of your most important endeavors is to establish
- Most business writing (other than persuasive messages) is
- Compared to other business messages, __________ are more indirect and implicit.
- Mass sales messages will typically take the form of which of the following?
- Sometimes __________ help improve a company’s brand awareness, even if few consumers respond by purchasing the product being advertised.
- The __________ format is usually the most successful way to compose mass sales messages.
- In a mass sales message, a clear, focused theme that consumers grasp quickly is known as a
- An external mass sales message should include words that will attract the reader’s attention immediately. Where should those words be placed?
- People will be more easily persuaded when you
- Which is the most effective for external persuasive messages?
- One effective way of personalizing a persuasive message is
- Sales messages risk sounding dull if they rely to heavily on which of the following?
- Effective persuaders provide __________ reasons for action.
- What qualities in a persuasive message are most likely to elicit a positive response?
- Customers and clients often think that persuasive messages with very complex language are
- The second stage of the AIM planning process involves
- Which of the following best explains why it is important to understand your target audience’s needs and values?
- Which of the following is typically the most important factor in gaining your colleagues’ support when you appeal to shared purpose and shared values?
- Which of the following are among Robert Cialdini’s six methods of influence?
- Which of the following is not one of Robert Cialdini’s six methods of influence?
- Nancy sends out New Year’s cards to a number of people she doesn’t know, and several of them respond by sending her a New Year’s card. This is an example of
- Sometimes people base their sense of what is right, correct, or desirable on what they see others do. This principle of influence in known as
- A charismatic and well-known community member passionately embraces a cause, inspiring others to join. This is an example of the principle of
- Sam, an employee at a financial services firm, investigates the financial services offered by competing companies and compares them with those of his firm as he prepares a presentation to promote his firm’s offerings. This is an example of
- Which of the following phrases that might be spoken to a consumer contain positive wording?
- Phrases such as “best product on the market” and “state-of-the-art technology” are examples of
- Which of the following are components of a persuasive message?
- If a persuasive message is extremely confident and positive, it is more likely to be perceived as which of the following?
- Which of the following types of words help invoke a sense of excitement and optimism in persuasive messages?
- Which of the following phrases that might be spoken to a consumer contain positive wording?
- Persuasion involves __________ a person whose opinion or understanding about something is different from yours.
- Michael Maslansky describes the current business culture with the following: “In a word, trust is out, __________ is in.”
- Persuasion communication strategies that worked well in the past are not as successful in
- Internal persuasive messages typically promote ideas, while external messages promote __________.
- In business, __________ involves using deception to influence others so that you can achieve your own interests.
- Because persuasive messages are sent to people who may resist your ideas, merchandise, or services, it is important to
- An effective flyer promoting financial services firm might contain which of the following elements?
- “Prevention,” “treatment,” and “survival” are all examples of __________ words and phrases.
- True or false: Using extremely negative statements is typically an effective way to shock your audience into action.
- Which of the following qualities are characteristic of an effective external persuasive message?
- Which of the following is the least likely to be used in an external persuasive message?
- You should reread and evaluate all of your persuasive messages, since they can potentially
- Which of the following is an example of a logical appeal from a credit union for choosing it over a local bank?
- A study showed that after people bet on race horses, they felt more sure that those horses would win. This is an example of the principle of persuasion known as
- A ___________ provides compelling reasons why a product, service, or idea will be useful to the audience.
- A persuasive message should have a _______________ tone but avoid _____________.
- A writer’s _______ prompts the reader to ____________ the message.
- According to Robert Miller, what factor was important to consider when attempting to persuade executives?
- By making customers believe that what you are selling is exactly what they want or need, your message will speak ___________ to them.
- Developing strong ideas that could benefit your audience will make you seem more
- Effective persuaders provide _______ reasons for action.
- Influencing others in a fair, honest way to see the merit of your ideas and act on your requests is called ___________
- If you employ _______ wording in your persuasive message, audiences will tend to notice the benefits instead of the drawbacks of your
- In addition to being more direct and explicit, internal persuasive messages typically rely on
- In terms of the voice used, which of the following messages would be the most effective statement for attracting customers to a financial services firm?
- Most readers will respond to persuasive writing that emphasized _______ instead of ________.
- People are more apt to be persuaded by someone they find appealing. This principle of influence is called ___________.
- People will be more easily persuaded when you
- The AIM planning process for persuasive messages involves analyzing your __________ and creating a __________ that will reduce a person’s tendency to resist what you are saying.
- The cohesion among thousands of people who march together for a common cause embodies the principle of
- The prevalence of celebrity endorsements in advertising indicates that _________ tends to persuade people.
- To ensure that persuasive messages do not harm others, you should employ the _______.
- True or False. Emotional appeals are typically unhelpful and counterproductive because audiences generally rely on reason to make their decisions.
- The first task of most persuasive messages is to
- The part of a persuasive message that asks the recipients to make a first move toward purchasing a product or showing agreement with an idea is known as the
- True or False. Persuasive messages that you generate as a representative of a business or other organization are generally considered to be high stakes communications.
- Understanding what other people need and value requires strong _________ skills.
- Using counterpoints in persuasive messages is risky primarily because you might
- When a person writes a persuasive business message, __________ is particularly important.
- When trying to persuade others, your most effective approach is the one that meets
- Which of the following statements about persuading through shared purpose and shared values are true?
- Which of the following should you do when trying to persuade colleagues and partners?
- Which type of writing is characterized by statements that provide full and unambiguous meaning?
- Which type of statement requires reading “between the lines” to grasp the entire meaning, since the underlying meaning is not stated?
- What is a major method of gaining reader attention in internal persuasive messages?
- Which elements are most likely to make a message more persuasive to supervisors?
- What should you include in a message to make it more persuasive to employees?
- What may be accomplished by presenting an effective persuasive message to superiors?
- What elements are likely to make employees reject a persuasive message?
- Which of the following is an example of a positive emotional appeal for joining a local walkathon to raise funds to fight breast cancer?
- What percentage of attempts to persuade did Robert Miller conclude were mismatched with executive decision-making styles?
- Which of the following is a common sales themes that is almost always present, either figuring prominently or de-emphasized in a brief mention near the end of the message?
- What are components of the FAIR test?
Discussion Question: Planning Business Messages
Includes 2 Full Answers to Discussion Question! A+ Work!
Positive thinking is an attitude that is solution-oriented and focuses on favorable results.
This attitude is important in creating effective business messages. Your ability to be positive and exude optimism in your communications can strongly influence others and ultimately lead to
greater success.
- Reflect on your own expressions of positiveness.
- Explain how you can apply a positive writing style at work in a situation where you also must identify logical inconsistencies.
COM/295T Business Communications
Week 3 Assignments
Apply: Signature Assignment: Case: Evaluating a Routine Email
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
- Which of the following subject lines would be best for this email?
- This email lacks a focus on the future. Which of the following calls to action would be the best focus on the future?
- Overall, which statement about the address block is most accurate?
- Which of the following greetings would be best for this email?
- What statement best describes sentence 1?
- What is true of sentences 3 through 8?
- Assume that you begin the second paragraph (sentences 3 through 8) with the following sentence: “Please email Teri Stephens ( by October 15 with the following pieces of information:” Which items should you include in a bulleted list?
- This email lacks a focus on the future. Which of the following calls to action would be the best focus on the future?
- Overall, which statement about the address block is most accurate?
Practice: Evaluating a Routing Announcement
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
- Which of the following passages would be the best replacement for section 1 of the announcement?
- This activity is important because managers and other professionals frequently give announcements to help coordinate the efforts of employees and keep them in the loop. The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate your understanding of routine announcements. Read the announcement below. Then, answer the questions that follow.
- Which of the following passages would be the best replacement for section 2 of the announcement?
- Which of the following passages would be the best replacement for section 3 of the announcement?
- Which of the following passages would be the best replacement for section 4 of the announcement?
Practice: SmartBook: Ch. 6 Improving Readability with Style and Design
Includes Quiz Questions and Correct Answers PLUS over 100+ BONUS Alternative Quiz Questions specifically from Chapter 6! A+ Work!
- Why is accuracy an essential element of business communication?
- The use of specific facts in your business communication will typically help convince the reader about which of the following?
- When designing a document,
- When readers receive a business message that consists of long paragraphs, they typically will
- Redundant words and phrases
- Which of the following sentences contain empty phrases?
- When your writing style is similar to the way your readers think and talk,
- A sentence written in active voice specifies the doer of the action. This is important because
- Passive voice is sometimes the best choice when the writer wants to
- When a writer chooses big words that are not common, the reader will most likely
- Which of the following sentences should be rephrased to use partial language?
- Workplace terms that are used to much are called
- Partial language is important when
- What question should the writer ask when deciding whether to reword a sentence that begins with “it is”?
- To be complete, a business communication should
- When highlighting words or phrases, it is best to
- Which two of the following kinds of lists would benefit most from being formatted with bullets or numbering?
- When deciding how much white space to leave in a page, it is important to consider that
- Which of the following statements are true?
- When deciding how much white space to leave on a page, it is important to consider that
- Business writing should be concise in order to
- Headings and subheadings within a document should
- Which of the following would best serve as a heading?
- The purpose of the FAIR test is to ensure that
- In business communication, how many ideas or topics should a paragraph usually address?
- In general, for complex or analytical business communications, the average written sentence length should be __________ or fewer words.
- Feedback is helpful because readers who provide feedback can
- Which of the following are recommended steps in proofreading?
- Compared to average business writers, expert business writers spend more time doing which three of the following?
- Reviewing a business communication before sending it is important because the review topics
- Which of the following are basic components of the review process in business communication?
- True or False: Depending on the message, the duration of the review process of business messages ranges from only a few minutes to more than a month.
- during the review process, a business writer checks to see if a document conforms to standards for impacts, access, respect, and facts. This is called
- Which two of the following can often be changed into action verbs in an effort to make your writing more dynamic?
- A sentence written in active voice does which of the following?
- Which of the following words should be avoided in business communication in favor of more familiar expressions?
- Which of the following sentences should be rephrased to eliminate buzzwords?
- Business writers should avoid using buzzwords because
- To keep writing precise, business writers should avoid using
- In the following paragraph, which sentences should be reworded because they fail to provide a specific subject? There are many people who want to purchase our merchandise. There are several reasons for this, including having a large budget for advertising. Advertising is very effective in bringing in shoppers looking for bargains. Consequently, it is our plan to increase sales volume by 10% this year.
- Which of the following sentences have buzzwords?
- A sentence that begins with “there are” can often be improved by
- In general, business communication should
- Which of the following would be the most specific wording for a restaurant coupon offering customers a discount?
- What is the key to ensuring that a message will include the right amount of information?
- The best thing to do with wordy prepositional phrases is usually to
- What is the main purpose of navigational design?
- Which of the following are effective guidelines for achieving a natural writing style that is easy to read?
- Which of the following statements about the advantages of action verbs in business writing are true?
- To ensure conciseness, a business writer should
- How many words should be in the typical paragraph of a business communication?
- Short sentences are best for business communications because
- Readers have a difficult time navigating through paragraphs that are
- When composing a document, expert business writers spend most of their time
- When applying the FAIR test to a document, the writer should make sure that
- Headings in navigational design should
- When a document is complex or full of information, headings help readers do which of the following?
- Navigational design can be improved using
- When sentences begin with “it is” or “there are,” they usually
- Parallel language is important when
- Which of the following are generally considered to be overused workplace terms?
- What are some of the benefits of using the active voice?
- In business communication it is best to use words that are
- Which of the following sentences should be rephrased to use parallel language?
- Certain figures of speech, such as idioms and metaphors, are generally not used in business writing because
- In business communication it is best to use words that are
- Which sentence is written in active voice?
- Which sentences contain wordy prepositional phrases?
- Which of the following sentences contain redundant words or phrases?
- The important principle in business writing is
- Paragraphs that discuss only one idea or topic tend to be
- In response to a business communication that is vague people tend to
- Which of the following are good principles for determining the amount of information to include in a business communication?
- A brochure that is vague will give the impression that the writer lacks
- In business communication, long paragraphs are generally associated with
- For which of these situations would the use of the passive voice be preferable.
- Which of the following are common sources of inaccurate information in business communication?
- Empty phrases in business communication
- The top two writing skills that employer’s value are
- Which sentence demonstrates the most effective use of action verbs?
- Headings and subheadings withing a document should
- During the review process the writer should test the message to ensure that it conforms to standards for
- What is the most important reason business communication should be complete?
- Parallel language is important when
- When reviewing a business communication, it is best to seek feedback from
- The review process in business communication helps ensure that
- For routine business communications, the average written sentence should be no more than
- What are two reasons that "The dog bit the mailman" is easier to understand than "The mailman was bitten by the dog".
- Which of the following sentences should be rephrased to eliminate buzzwords?
- The primary focus of a business message should be to impress the reader with
- Which of the following statements are the most specific?
- In general, business communications should
- To keep writing natural and engaging, business writers should avoid using
- Business writers should avoid using buzzwords because
- Bullets and numbering
- Action verbs help business writers prompt their readers to
- Writers sometimes finalize their work without proofreading because
- Which of the following sentences have buzzwords, figures of speech, or slang?
- For the purpose of business communication, which of the following sentences should be rewritten to replace overblown or stuffy words?
- When a sentence begins with "it is" or "there are" it can often be improved by
- Usually the length of a paragraph in business communications should be
Practice: SmartBook: Ch. 9 Routine Business Messages
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
Discussion: Credibility in Business Messages
Includes 3 Full Answers to this Discussion Question
Successful communication relies on a positive relationship between the sender of a message and the receiver. The response to your message depends on your credibility, which is based on how reliable you are and how much trust you evoke in others. Establishing credibility is a critical step in building business relationships.
- Reflect on how you develop and maintain credibility in your workplace.
- Explain the importance of establishing credibility for business professionals. How does a poorly written message impact a leader’s credibility?
COM/295T Business Communications
Week 4 Assignments
Apply: Signature Assignment: Case:
Establishing Credibility
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
Practice: Evaluating the Needs of an Audience
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
Practice: SmartBook: Ch. 14 Planning Presentations
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
Practice: SmartBook: Ch. 15 Delivering Presentations
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
Discussion: Planning Presentations
Locate and watch a business presentation that interests you. Websites where you
might find business presentation videos include YouTube™, CNBC, Forbes, Fortune, and TED.
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
- Describe the presentation and why it was effective or ineffective.
- What are some ways a presenter can connect with the audience during a presentation?
COM/295T Business Communications
Week 5 Assignments
Apply: Signature Assignment: Case: Avoiding Disclosure of confidential Information on Social Media
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
Practice: Comparing Communication Channels
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
Practice: SmartBook: Ch. 7 Email and Other Tools for Business
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
Practice: SmartBook: Ch. 8 Social Media for Business Communications
Includes Questions and Correct Answers! A+ Work!
Discussion: Social Media Ethics
Internet communication has been gradually replacing traditional phone-based and face-to-face communication for several years. While the internet and social media have made global communication easier, it has raised ethical questions for many users.
Watch Social Media Ethics from PBS.
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
- Identify a way in which an individual develops a credible persona, both in person and online.